AnoÑ ID: f0e91d Oct. 14, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.11074008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4361 >>4434



Jim Stewartson

Jim Stewartson

Aug 16·14 min read


The man behind Qanon is a vile hate-merchant coordinating with OANN, Flynn and Russian intelligence.

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If you or someone you care about is under the influence of Qanon, please visit this link.

EDIT: More background on this article can be found here:

Qanon is an Enormous Alternate Reality Game (ARG) Run by Malevolent Puppetmasters

What follows is a summary of my findings, how I came to these conclusions and important background. Hi! I was one of…


This document is split into two parts, for different audiences.

PART I is the high-level story of the origins of Qanon intended for people directly involved.

PART II is a more analytical view of the confluence of Russian and domestic enemy actors and how they represent a major threat to the 2020 elections. There are receipts. Also less cursing.


This document was inspired by the spectacle of Chanel Rion of OANN puppeting a Russian operation (the DNS hack) first seen in the bowels of Qanon, in the actual White House briefing room.

'Antifa' website cited in conservative media attack on Biden is linked to - wait for it - Russia

WASHINGTON - At his press briefing Wednesday, President Trump, as he usually does, called for a question from Chanel…

What follows is a theory of how that happened based on publicly available material and experience. I am not a journalist and I have no access to non-public or classified material. This document gets updated as new information arrives.


Jim Watkins is a grifter, a literal traitor, and ‘Q’

Dear people directly affected by the cult / alternate reality game known as QAnon:

You are being exploited by Jim Watkins and Russian intelligence, in conjunction with a pack of traitors, grifters, amoral politicians, and plutocrats who do not care about any of you.

Jim Watkins runs 8kun and has been ‘Q’ since at least the Great Blackout of 2019.

For the uninitiated, this was a THREE MONTH period of time when 8chan went down, and the ”government intelligence operative” you pretend to believe in could not figure out how to use Twitter or whatever.

This “insider” had to wait for Jim Watkins, a washed-up, racist pig farmer and [NSFW] t-shirt merchant hiding in the Philipines, to strap his shitty bulletin board back together with smoke signals and Russian money.

Before that it was both Jim AND the venal grifters at Patriot Soapbox running Q, but Jim seems to have figured out how to cut them out when he got yanked off the internet for allowing mass murders to be broadcast on his website.

Because of that, he was questioned by Congress about his connections to Russian intelligence and the weaponization of disinformation from his website, which is precisely what is currently happening to you.

Currently, the Soapbox crew are probably just guessing along with the rest of you what the fuck Q has in mind when he suddenly wants you to take up yoga. Jim Watkins is a big fan of yoga.

Also, during that time, Jim was doing a deal with the Russians to provide them with information about ALL OF YOU so they could target you on social media. Every time you look at a Drop, it’s running on shady Russian infrastructure, which means they have eyes on you.

How do you guys think this is all coordinated? Why do you get bombarded with this shit that not very ago you wouldn’t have believed if you were more wasted than you’ve ever been in your life?

Also, the Russians are helping Jim package up his bullshit into perfectly snackable pieces, and shove them Drop by Drop down all of your throats. Why do you think he relocated to the Philippines?

They’ve been amplifying this garbage since they ran into Coleman Rogers at Patriot Soapbox who wanted to “brand and monetize the anon movement” in 2017–8 which sounded good to the Russians because it comprised some of the most poisonous shit on the internet, which could be subsequently weaponized AGAINST YOU.


[Follow link to dig yourself….]