Anonymous ID: 30335c Oct. 14, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.11076376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6389 >>6396 >>6669

>>11076039 lbq


Loud and Clear brother.

Thanks for you service.


Posting below for OSS



|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||

Anons we must join TOGETHER to tell the TRUTH. WE are fighting a MONSTER of Darnkess who knows nothing but LIES.

You don’t fight darkness—bring the light, and darkness will disappear.

The Truth will illuminate the darkness, the light of truth always shines brightest in the dark.

No matter how dim a candle burns it will ALWAYS illuminate darkness. ( Read as: No matter how small your voice if you speak truth you will be heard.)

Thousands [Millions] of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be diminished. [TRUTH] never decreases by being shared.


Each one of us represents a single candle in the darkness of our world.

If you decided to wake up and shine your light by spreading truth rather than believing lies.

We welcome you fellow Anon! May Facts and Truth be the light to your way from darkness.


If you have come to troll, spam, or spread disinformation…


We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.


Amendment I (Bill of Rights)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


-We Will not be Silenced; -We Cannot be Silenced; -Our Voice will be Heard; -Your Lies are Whispers in the Wind, Compared to the Roar of our Resolve.


|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||



by Major Edward Rouse, U.S. Army Retired


Throughout history, in war and peace, I have played many roles.

I am inspiration.

I am motivation.

I am intimidation.

I am deception.



I was the inspiration for Hannibal to take his elephants over the Alps.

I was the motivation in the words "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" and "Remember the Alamo".

I was the intimidation of the sound of Gideon's trumpets.

I was the deception used against the Trojans.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I rode with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Sun Tsu.

I saw action in both World Wars and in Korea and Vietnam.

I helped bring a speedy victory in Just Cause and Desert Storm.

I brought the hope of peace to Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I was the "talking tanks" asking the Nazi soldiers, "why die for a lost cause?"

I was the leaflet which told the Japanese to "Cease Resistance".

I was the Commando Solo broadcasts to the Taliban warning them that,

"we will destroy those who harbor terrorism.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I bring the light of truth where before lay the darkness of lies.

I deliver hope to those who are in despair.

I bring fear to those who believe their actions are without consequence.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I am that voice that tells the enemy to surrender or die.

I am the shadow of doubt that makes the enemy question their actions.

I am that power of influence that despots despise.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I am the broadcast of reason over radio, television and loudspeaker.

I am the light of truth in print media, leaflet, newspaper, handbill or poster.

I am the force multiplier that wins my country's wars.

I was, I am and I will forever remain…PSYOP.


> WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!

Anonymous ID: 30335c Oct. 14, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.11076761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[M]ore [O]rganized [R]each [N]ow! [I]ncoming [N]ew(s) [G]ood


[N]ew(s) [I]ncoming [G]et [H]eard [T]ogether


Be the News



We see you Write

< WE read your words

YOU read what YOU wrote?



We see you News

<WE watch your news

YOU Share your News?


We must make WWG1WGA not a slogan LIVE IT

< WE share Patriots

YOU share Patriots?


We Know you.


You are why WE fight.


We See you.

You know who you are, you GLOW (Made a faggot look)


Expect Us

Expect Us ALL.




Remember Operators deployed by both teams

Learn to see your frens.

Learn to recognize your enemies.


Never, Never, Never Ever Give Up!