Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.11076323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6396 >>6486 >>6640 >>6734 >>6873 >>6956

Twitter Says Site Censored New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story for ‘Hacked Materials’ Inside


Twitter has issued a clarification on its “Hacked Materials Policy” following fallout from the social media platform’s decision to block two New York Post articles about Hunter Biden. However, some netizens are arguing the platform has not been consistent with its application of the rule.


“We want to provide much needed clarity around the actions we’ve taken with respect to two NY Post articles that were first Tweeted this morning,” Twitter Safety tweeted Thursday night. “The images contained in the articles include personal and private information - like email addresses and phone numbers - which violate our rules.”


This announcement came hours after Twitter users were blocked from tweeting out a link to a New York Post article titled “Hunter Biden emails show leveraging connections with his father to boost Burisma pay.”


Facebook also limited the distribution of the article on its platform.


“As noted this morning, we also currently view materials included in the articles as violations of our Hacked Materials Policy,” noted Twitter Safety in the Thursday night thread. “Commentary on or discussion about hacked materials, such as articles that cover them but do not include or link to the materials themselves, aren’t a violation of this policy. Our policy only covers links to or images of hacked material themselves.”


The safety arm of the social media platform went on to claim that the policy was “established in 2018” and “prohibits the use of our service to distribute content obtained without authorization.”


“We don’t want to incentivize hacking by allowing Twitter to be used as distribution for possibly illegally obtained materials,” it added.


Twitter’s announcement of this alleged longstanding rule prompted the responses of many netizens, some of whom attempted to cast a light on the platform’s selective censorship.


LOL - Trump's tax returns were obtained without authorization, as were the recent FinCEN Files based on thousands of suspicious activity reports from the Treasury Department, and on & on. Twitter does not enforce this 2018 policy - tho it suddenly did with the Hunter story…

— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) October 15, 2020


Testing 1…2…3…

— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) October 14, 2020


Under Twitter’s current policy, the terrorist Ayatollah of Iran can threaten genocide against the only Jewish country on earth, while the President of the United States of America is banned from linking to a story in an American newspaper founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1801.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020


Media outlets that reported on the DNC/Podesta emails in 2016 would have been prohibited from sharing the links on Twitter under this new "hacked materials policy." That's what all this is about: doing everything in their power to prevent a repeat of 2016. It's 100% political

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 14, 2020


“Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great,” Dorsey tweeted alongside the Twitter Safety announcement. “And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable.”


The tech giant’s decision to block the story prompted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) to issue letters to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and the Federal Election Commission, respectively.


US President Donald Trump and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, also spoke out against the censorship and called for the repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which protects internet platforms from legal liability for third-party content, treating them as distributors rather than publishers of information.

Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.11076333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6352 >>6396 >>6486 >>6640 >>6734 >>6873 >>6956 >>7018

Schweizer: Gaps in Joe Biden’s Public Schedule on Date of Alleged Burisma Meeting


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s official public schedule shows several gaps during which he could have met with a Burisma adviser in 2015, despite claims by the Biden campaign that the meeting could not have happened because it was not on Biden’s “official schedules.”


On Wednesday morning, the New York Post reported that Biden had met with an official from Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company on whose board Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, served in a highly-paid position.


The Post cited an email it obtained from an abandoned hard drive that appeared connected to Hunter Biden.


The former vice president had previously denied ever speaking to his son about his overseas business interests. The campaign pushed back against the Post report, saying there was no such meeting on Biden’s “official schedules.”


But Breitbart News contribute Peter Schweizer told conservative radio host Mark Levin on Wednesday evening that Biden’s schedule had enough gaps in it that day to hold other meetings.


The date of the meeting would appear to be April 16 or 17. The Post reported that the email was sent on April 17, 2015:


The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.


“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.


The time of the email was 6:00 a.m. PDT — 9:00 a.m. EDT. It refers tossing Hunter Biden “yesterday,” so the meeting likely occurred on the 16th, though it could have happened early the 17th, or earlier in the week.


Biden’s schedules for that week leave ample room for other meetings, in between speeches and official events.


As Breitbart News reported earlier Wednesday, Biden has certainly taken other meetings that were not on his official schedule.


Politico reported yesterday that Joe Biden arranged an Oval Office meeting for his son-in-law's business partners in 2011.


There's a photo of it.


It was not on Biden's "official schedule."


— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 14, 2020


Schweizer told Levin that the gaps in the schedule make Biden’s denial implausible.


“Now, if you’re gonna have a sleazy meeting with somebody, are you gonna put that on your official schedule?” Levin asked.


Schweizer laughed, and directed the public to the website.


“You can look at Joe Biden’s schedule that day. You know what it has? It has two gaps that are three hours or more.”

Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.11076370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6387 >>6396 >>6398 >>6486 >>6640 >>6734 >>6873 >>6956

Fed Vice Chair Makes "Shocking" Admission: Fed May Never Be Able To Stop Manipulating The Market


Yesterday, San Fran Fed president Mary Daly made a stunning admission: just in case there was any confusion, the Fed knows that it has - and continues to blow - an asset bubble making "a few" who own stocks uber-rich, but the economy is now so reliant on the Fed liquidity firehose that the moment the Fed threatened to pop this bubble, which some have estimated to be around $90 trillion in liquidity, would result in economic devastation and leave millions without a job.


"I am not willing to trade millions of jobs for people who need a ladder rung up in order to keep the stock market from going up for a few who have those holdings," Daly said while answering questions following a speech on - what else - racial inequality at a virtual event Tuesday hosted by the University of California, Irvine.


Well, it appears that the Fed makes dramatic revelations in two, because just one day after Daly admitted that the Fed is trapped, the Fed's Vice Chair for Supervision Randal Quarles, made an even more shocking - or rather "shocking" as we have said for the past decade that this is the case - admission, when he said that the Treasury market is now so large that the U.S. central bank may have to continue to be involved to keep it functioning properly.


That's right: following its decade-long attempt to "stimulate inflation" by cutting rates, something which we showed is deflationary, and which the Fed did by manipulating bond yields through ZIRP and QE, the Fed only now realizes that if the central bank steps away, everything will crash and yields will explode higher, similar to what happened to repo rates last September when clearing rates briefly hit 10% in a market that was seen as Fed-less.


In short, there is no longer a market, there are only centrally-planned transactions which can only happen with the explicit blessing of the Fed… which can pull its backstops on a whim and crash trillions in assets in a nanosecond.


Speaking at a virtual panel conversation on the future of central banking hosted by the Hoover Institute, Quarles said that "it may be that there is a simple macro fact that the Treasury market being so much larger than it was even a few years ago, much larger than it was a decade ago and now really much larger than it was even a few years ago, that the sheer volume there may have outpaced the ability of the private market infrastructure to support stress of any sort there."


Quarles then said that raises a question of whether the private sector can ever grow fast enough to cope, "or will there be some indefinite need for the Fed to provide not as a way of supporting the issuance of Treasuries, but as a way of supporting a functioning market in Treasuries to participate as a purchaser for some period of time." Actually, he can keep the "supporting the issuance of Treasuries" in there too, because by now everyone knows that the Fed is monetizing every single dollar in debt the Treasury sells to prevent the entire house of cards from collapsing.


Translation: the Fed can never again step away and stop manipulating the bond market, which by extension and through the risk premium, is the market which defines every other market, including stocks, commodities, FX and so on.


In other words, the Fed is now an irreplaceable anchor of what was once known as the market, in perpetuity.



Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.11076472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6503

Gippsland man flown to Melbourne hospital after magpie attack leaves him with injuries to both eyes


A Victorian man has told of the horrifying moment a magpie attacked him, leaving him with damage to both eyes.

Key points:


James Glindemann was flown to the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital after a magpie attack in eastern Victoria

The bird struck at both of his eyes, causing serious injury

Magpies can be very dangerous at this time of year


Business owner James Glindemann, 68, was having an ordinary day eating his lunch at a park bench, outside of the Gippsland Centre in Sale, eastern Victoria, when he was suddenly swooped by the bird.


"I sat down at a bench there and the magpie came up and I started talking to it because I like them," he said.


"And it looked at me and I didn't give it any food, so it just attacked me.


"First it struck my left eye and when it landed back on the ground, I didn't drop my food and so it attacked me again in the right eye."


He said the incident, which occurred on Tuesday, happened in a matter of seconds but the injuries were serious.


"There was some blood that was dripping at one stage and it covered my eyes … I could barely see, but I managed to find my car and I rang triple-0," he said.


After paramedics arrived at the scene they took Mr Glindemann to the Central Gippsland Hospital where doctors made the decision to fly him to Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital in Melbourne to undergo surgery.


"It turned out there was no actual damage to the right eyeball itself, but the area around it was very inflamed," Mr Glindemann said.


"But the magpie seems to have penetrated the cornea in my left eye and so the doctors repaired that.


"I think the procedure took about two hours.


"My vision in both eyes are blurred at the moment … but I think doctors are confident that my sight will come back."

Eye injuries on the rise


Seems biblical

Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:26 p.m. No.11076546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Scurrah resigns as Virgin Australia chief executive


Virgin Australia CEO Paul Scurrah will step down from his role after a year of turmoil at the struggling airline.


Paul Scurrah has resigned as chief executive officer and managing director of Virgin Australia, following a year of turmoil for Australia’s second airline.


He will be replaced by former Jetstar boss Jayne Hrdlicka when the airline is handed over fully to US private equity firm Bain Capital in early November.


Mr Scurrah will remain in his role until then, the airline’s administrator Deloitte said in a statement to the ASX today.


Deloitte said it believed Bain would maintain Virgin Australia as a full-service airline, despite speculation Mr Scurrah had clashed with Bain over its intention to turn it into a low-cost carrier.


Sources have told the Australian Financial Review other executives may follow Mr Scurrah’s exit.


The sale of Virgin Australia to Bain was finalised last month after the debt-ridden airline slumped into voluntary administration in April.


The airline has since announced it would streamline its fleet and axe budget subsidiary Tigerair, but keep its two-class cabin structure – business class and economy – and return business lounges when travel demand picked up.

Anonymous ID: fdd5a1 Oct. 14, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.11076575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6640 >>6657 >>6734 >>6873 >>6956

Roll up, the political circus is back in town


Roll up, roll up, ladies and gentlemen, open up your wallets and come and see the biggest show in town. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Grab a ringside seat while they last.


See the amazing Dan Andrews high wire act. Hold your breath as The Intrepid Dan tries to keep his balance even as his co-stars fall off the wire and perish before your eyes. Or were the pushed? The Intrepid Dan defies gravity, somehow keeps his grip. How many days can he stay up on the wire? Will he fall and tumble to the ground? There is no safety net. Children – do not try this at home.


And look! Astonishing! Now he is doing his balance act on barbed wire – this has never been done anywhere in the world. If he falters – certain [political] death awaits.


And here now is the Incredible Barely Visible Michael O’Brien, making double back flips look easy. One day he claims lockdowns are not harsh enough, then after an upright standing tumble turn – Shazaam – lockdowns are too harsh, all in the blink of an eye. Younger flashier acrobats are threatening to steal his routine but in a futile theatrical stunt he has perfected the "No Confidence" trick of red-faced confected outrage.


Next, wander along to the freaks on sideshow alley. Each tent will give you a different thrill. We have scoured the surface of the earth to bring you the very best acts anywhere.


Visit the Amazing Two Headed Gladys. One head thinks her body lives a life that is selfless, devoted to public service and scrupulously, meticulously, thoroughly decent. The other head has a completely different view of its life, and a secret lover with a soiled and grubby reputation. Can both heads live on the same torso at the same time? Ask one head a question and see if the other one answers!