Anonymous ID: 530954 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.11077320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7378 >>7403 >>7468 >>7652 >>7727

Posting again for nightshift, this is serious shit being revealed, for the autists and anons that see through the clouds of obfuscation dig in

__1/2Ch post from Oct. 11, 2020. There’s a lot more to this

• This case is so multi-faceted there's a lot of moving parts. Part of proving conspiracy, is the tying together of multiple parties, that not only includes boots on the ground but those funding the wrong doing. Money trails are soid when you can piece them together also a possibility this case is 18 USC 371 Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. "any conspiracy for the purpose of impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful function of any dept of gov."

• Durham must prove people knew the info was false when they passed it to the FBI.

• To all the chronic cynics - the Debbie Downers - the doom and gloom mindsets that are going to bitch, piss moan and groan about nothings happening, save it because you make those statements based on zero facts. This isn't a some carnival sideshow to satisfy your juvenilistics cravings for instant gratification, this investigation to actually do something worthwhile and make a difference. If you want instant gratification get a puppy.

• Good news was brought to my attention this morning, that could be another avenue to get at these funders of this conspiracy. LW Doyle

pointed this out to me, Larry Doyle is a forensic accountant you has been all over the Clinton Foundation follow him

• I'm so encouraged to see Durham dragging people like Daniel Jones before a GJ, that means they are following the money trails up to the top and that's what it's going to take to sniff all this out. Giving money isn't actionable unless there is some direction & involvement with the actual criminal acts. Jones is on the bubble on that count depending on what Durham knows. His name has now surfaced in connection with Durham's probe, & GJ proceedings.

• Remember for the most part the perpetrators of the DOJ/FBI skullduggery are gone, either fired or resigned but nonetheless gone, so there is no administrative remedies for this outside of maybe losing a pension, just not sure that's legal, so that leaves criminal judicial remedies.

• It surely looks like the trappings of a RICO case to me, and that's not just wishful thinking. All the tell tale signs are there. And Durham's specialty is governmental corruption, it's his bread and butter and his appointment was purposeful.

• The majority of this stuff was Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) which means each grouping (compartmentalized) would have to be read in for each of the 23 members of the GJ panel. That's very very cumbersome and time consuming, instead just get the documents declassified and then they can be used for the GJ and still remain secured under Section 6E protection. Sensitive evidence will be filed under seal in the court, the judge can view them in an in camera viewing just like they did in the Flynn case. If it's used in a jury trial the same process applies. I've seen cases where courtrooms are basically turned into an interactive SCIF, no media or gallery is allowed, the case is heard behind closed doors and all involved are under felony level NDA if they leak anything. So calm down and think this through, the swamp isn't just a puddle limited to DC, it's a vast sea that stretches across the globe, and it's all driven by power and money, and that's the key to unwinding this mess.

Forensic accountants can be more dangerous than an agent with a badge and a gun, just ask Al Capone

• So when everybody was pissing in their pants over why Johnny Ratcliffe was just now sending declassified documents over to Durham on Thursday, they just wouldn't listen to reason and experience and fell into the fear porn pool grifters panic over nothing. If anyone thinks that Durham is that far behind in this investigation that he's just now looking at documents, you should seek held soon because you aren't thinking clearly, walk away from the fear porn grifters and think for yourself

• Durham doesn't need the document declassified to look at them, he has top TS/SCI clearance as does his team. But the 23 person GJ panel doesn't. In order to simplify presenting his case to the GJ he just requested the documents declassified rather than try to read in 23 people on each & every different level documents. So after sifting through the millions of pages of evidence that's in play here, Durham chooses the documents he needs to present his case and sends a grocery list to Ratcliffe on what he needs declassified and the order is filled and returned.

• When Mueller wasn't given the FBI Chief spot, Rosenstein does the next best thing, appoint him SC & shield him from Nunes & HPSCI, until the left can re-engineer California voting, allowing vote harvesting, and just plain voter fraud in NY & NJ to flip the House. This allowed Schiff to shut down Nunes,

Anonymous ID: 530954 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.11077468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7652 >>7727


No cliff note version but more from thread

• Then the Swamp countered Flynn with HR McMaster, playing on the fact that Trump was enamored by being surrounded by Generals, & McMaster fit the bill perfectly to go in and clear out Flynn's team. This was a misstep on Trump's part, but things were moving fast & it wasn't thought through.

• McMaster attempted to replace Cohen-Watnick with CIA official Linda Weissgold, the author of the infamous Benghazi Video talking points & member of the "Benghazi dream team", a group of IC analysts assembled to counter the Benghazi investigation headed up by Trey Gowdy. That didn't fly because she was too openly partisan, a Hillary/Obama loyalist and would just never pass muster and McMaster knew it. SO he had to search elsewhere, while Ezra was gathering intel and setting up an evidence time capsule for Nunes

• Ezra Cohen-Watnick passed on his intel to Michael Ellis who in turn set up a SCIF meeting with Nunes, who Fynn felt he could trust from their time together on the transition team, and they let Nunes see the evidence of the spying on Trump. That set the HPSCI in motion to start down this long road, and Ezra knew with McMaster in pace he wasn't long for this world as far as the NSC goes. McMaster purged the NSC of Flynn's team and filled it with more swamp. But the FBI struck and we all know about the takedown of Flynn and how they entrapped him with a completely fabricated charge, forcing him out and causing him to have to defend himself with the likes of Sidney Powell.

• Ezra knew Rogers was making a play for a promotion to CIA Chief in the new admin, informed Flynn, & the General set up a meeting in Trump tower to first introduce his protege to the President-elect, and let him inform Trump he was being spied upon & who & how it was being done. Rogers made his pitch that evening, Trump said "we will take it in consideration and get back with you" The timeline was misread by outsiders thinking Rogers told the President-elect he was being spied upon, when he already knew earlier that day.

• Cohen-Watnick works in the shadows, stays off social media and sticks to what he does best, analize intelligence and make strategic planning portfolios. Ezra had portfolio strategies to take down Iran & China, the Obama admin goffed at.

• When Trump was sworn in Fynn put his team in place in the NSC, and immediately they recognized what a problem there was in the West Wing, more that they earlier expected. And when the FBI came after their boss and took him down, Ezra knew he had to find a confident to get this info to.

• Flynn was assembling a team of deputies to get the NSC back on track to do what it was originally intended, and not the political hackery the previous administration had turned it into, and this the NSC down to less than 50 possibly 25. Despite popular belief it was this small team, headed up by Ezra who sniffed out that Obama was spying on the Trump Campaign, and a female analyst who let Ezra know that Mike Rogers was going to make his pitch to be CIA Chief. Ezra knew that would be disastrous, Rogers was career NSA and because it was the NSA that was the hub of all this spying. The NSA is the cesspool of the swamp, Snowden exposed just how bad it was in 2013.

• Overconfidence will get you killed and it did in the case of Hillary, she thought she was untouchable, and undefeatable and it cost her the election. So all these years of investment by the globalists is put in jeopardy by her arrogance.


So the cover-up began literally Nov 9th, and they plot to take down the president-elect went to plan B, the symbolic morning after pill, because they can't let him get his hands on the archives, the files, the evidence that will bring them all down. They can't just cut off the head of the snake, too messy and hard to pull off, Trump was no wall flower, they had been after him for years, and he has great fighting instincts, but they can pull his fangs (Flynn).


What was their very first move? Take down Flynn and cripple Trump taking out his Army commander, while simultaneously blindfolding Trump to inner working of the intelligence world, he lost his tracker, his scout, who knew where to look.


Luckily Trump had retained close allies like Devin Nunes, who was the head of the HPSCI and though still a rookie, knew enough to keep informed, and pay attention to details, but being in congress limited what he could actually do other than shed light.


Flynn's small elite force was in place like his intelligence team of Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Derek Harvey, Michael Ellis,

Rich Higgins, and his commerce strategists like Peter Thiel, David Cattler, John Eisenberg, Kenneth Juster & Kevin Harrington

Anonymous ID: 530954 Oct. 14, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.11077575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594

>>11076534 Benghazi Betrayal


If the only thing we see as justice in our time here the public execution of the HC that is responsible, would be good


Don’t get me wrong there are a lot more that deserve this