About a week ago CNN was making it seem like "COVID-19" was breaking out all over. The whole "made in China" virus (and the marketing to go with it) was hyped as a KILLER in the early days of the "scamdemic". Now apparently, all it takes to "lockdown" again and further destroy lives and livelihood is a spike in "cases" which just means that a lab test says you are "positive". For what, we don't know because the PCR test is not testing for a "virus" that has been purified from samples taken from symptomatic patients. Diagnosis is a medical procedure performed by a doctor which includes looking at the actual symptoms of disease in a patient. A lab test does not "diagnose" anything. So there's that.
Most importantly, "coronavirus" or whatever doesn't seem to be killing anyone in the countries claimed to be "hot spots" deserving of more deadly "lockdowns". is showing lower than normal average mortality for a good portion of Europe including countries claimed to have "spikes".
The CNN reporting on the "scamdemic" appears to be FAKE NEWS.
I have been researching vaccine fraud for a few years now. When a new population control device (otherwise known a vaccine) is rolled out. Two things seem to happen: 1. The disease is ALWAYS hyped as a killer, whether it is or not and 2. The vaccine is rolled out when the mortality has already declined significantly, allowing the marketers to claim that the vaccine is responsible for the decline in deaths.