When a laptop comes in that someone thinks is stolen or that is left behind - they will occasionally search through the contents to identify who it might belong to.
More a fan of the eternal blossom, myself.
Well, it's a crowded environment - but as things get moving, people will get aboard.
Consider that for many (particularly foreign) interests - Q is simply too good to be true but too influential to ignore. After the habbenings habben - they'll be aboard.
That … Is probably not as likely.
The idea that Seth sourced the emails as part of an action as a disgruntled employee accomplishes the same thing and doesn't involve mind-control.
I could believe someone with psychological issues could get triggered into going on a killing/shooting spree. But exact articulate commands like that are…. Eh….
Plus - everyone had Hillary's emails. She deliberately left information on them and kept the security light. That was part of the scam - the low security server was a sort of dead drop where requested (purchased) information was deposited.