>>11079291 lb
Yep, basically just, like, all of that image.
That's pretty much it.
>>11079356 lb
So you're just a moran, eh?
I thought so.
I'm super excited for you to figure more neat shit out though, fren. Please don't leave the party too soon!
I'd have to agree.
Some of these guys would be great at writing headlines and shit.
Hey, in the new world, can bakers be the executive headline decider guy?
It's okay, fren. We were all newfags once.
weiner laptop and hillary tape is next
>tfw the bot starts baiting you
>Years ago it was said that 4 was CIA territory and 8 was NSA territory. I don't know how true that is or was.
Yeah, basically.
This is why full got torn down and mod teams got purged. Shit got real interesting right before chan transformed.
If you haven't figured out we're hanging out with /ourguys/ yet, you're in for some good news.
You seem super triggered, anon. Just relax and have some fun!
What if they didn't have to release it all?
What if, once we all "progressed" far enough, we wouldn't have to rely on data storage and secrecy?
I wasn't even talking about you. Just filter me or something if you're going to get this triggered, fren.
I genuinely didn't mean to provoke you like this.
Much stranger things have happened, anon.
anon you're not supposed to respond to the boomers.
it's always hilarious to trigger the newfags.
I almost hope it was a shill, considering how much effort it's put in to get me to not talk about that super sensitive subject.
Battle stations, men!
The boss is about.
It must suck to want me to talk about something else this much.
Significant medical advancements
Overhaul of the economic system such that you are no longer enslaved
No more "world wars"
Parabolic technological advancement
A renewed right to defend yourself
Drastically reduced human or illegal material trafficking
Dramatic reduction of corruption
No more mob rule
Worldwide spiritual awakening
Far more efficient travel, among many other sectors
Plenty of other super cool shit
You know, if you can keep it.
It trickles down through the IC and to Mockingbirds and then through normies in the media.
Well, between the off-world tech (supposedly off-world, that is), Blockchain and Aquarius, it seems like just about all of those things are guaranteed at this point.
Well, I can't really blame you, anon.
It's just that there's been so much demoralizationโฆ
Just know, things are really looking up from here, fren.
normalfags are boring, anon.