would be funny if hunter had blackmail of his dad on that same laptop.
hunter seems too arrogant and stupid to realize the computer had more value than a price. but then again he had all that stuff on it so it's interesting.
i seent it
who is this faggot talking rn?
kek anons dgaf we are saving humanity
thats called a namefag and all of them are shills. don't respond to them, its call the 5 prong slide per Q and they post to slide the research and real posts every bread by distracting or not making sense etc.
btw welcome, newanon. don't let the hazing get to you! you're doin great.
kek i don't see why that upset everyone. if anons haven't realized all the signs irl and the role they are playing in the movie, then they aren't at 40k.
normies are scared to come here because they don't take the time to learn things for the hell of it on their own if there isn't some sort of personal gratification out of it. narcissism comes to mind. i used to be full normie and can confirm it's a long hard road with these sleepers. they defend bad shit because it hurts their ego.
i svd it, glad the symbol is really there on the hat. at first i thought it would be like the epstein island temple where the anon edited it to say pedo from skyview and a bunch of newfags thought thats what it really said KEK
lmao such a class act
an anon lb said google voice recorder
true detective season 1 mcconahey?
i did for sure
that's true and with newfags it will halp. o7
fuck wat is the significance of the square one? seeing it a lot lately and its the red symbol near epstein temple?
once you have selected your image there is a little box that says Spoiler image next to it. I believe you can do it for jpegs and pngs.