Soooo, Sloe Joe Biden drops out of the presidential race (to help poor hapless manchild kunter) {purposefully misspelled AND lower case proper name}aanndd Kamala Whoreass becomes the top of the ticket, the already cast ballots go to Whoreass and her running mate Sandy Cortez (aka AOC). Yes even though,if Whoreass dies in office, AOC is now too young to be president.
Dem Senator (dum senator):
'Judge Barrett, will You strike down the affordable care act?'
Judge Barrett: 'Senator, in all candidness, I will take my cue from Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and say You must first confirm me, swear me in and install me onto the Supreme Court to find out my answer. If it is appropriate for a candidate for President of the United States of America, it is appropriate for me here.'
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