>oh yeah
Please cleanup that Global when you get there dammit!
Put moar text:
Ultimate proof oss did the right thing by leading anons in a revolt against their compd comms baker overlord wannabees.
facts are there good luck with the futile consensus project
you're not wrong but he brings the sauce re: compd comms bakers - all they do is lie/attack/scheme/sockpuppet/circle jerk
It's just a series of factual caps with a rec to gauge for yourself.
Why are you always so concerned about censoring shit all the time?
Are you @Jack or Zuck?
Housley was just giving his unsauced opinion, man.
It's not like his twat is sacrosanct.
I wouldn't have done it, but Baker was just giving an opinion of an opinion.
Compd comms bakers are glow-like they deserved their fate.
The are also real anons that don't like the drama regardless.
Both are true and coexist in parallel.
>I guess Baker doesn't deem this notable
This has happened to me over several iterations of QR and all kinds of Bakers.
Don't get discouraged.
Be flashier (sucks that you have to do it, but that psych) and retry again, Anon.
Whining is a bad look.