Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11086336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6375 >>6557 >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Sen. Ted Cruz Announces Judiciary Committee will Subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to Testify After Second Day of Twitter Blocking NY Post Hunter Biden Reports


Senator Ted Cruz announced on Thursday morning that he and his colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee will subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the suppression of a report about Hunter Biden.


Senator Cruz made the announcement today in an interview on Capitol Hill.


This comes after Twitter censored the SECOND New York Post report on Hunter Biden’s illicit and likely illegal activities!

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.11086358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6384 >>6557 >>6796 >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Iranian Lawmaker Says Obama-Biden Gifted Regime with $1.7 Billion and $400 MILLION IN A SUITCASE!


Barack Obama delivered a pallet of cash in the dead of night to the killer Iranian regime.

Barack Obama gifted the Iranian regime with reports of $1.7 billion to $5.7 billion and a pallet of cash.


Obama sent the Khamenei regime a pallet of unmarked bills in the dead of night in exchange for US prisoners.


The Iranian regime was so proud of themselves for negotiating this deal that they posted the video in an online report.


Now this…

Apparently, there is more to the story.


According to Iranian lawmaker the regime also received $400 million in suitcases from the Obama-Biden administration!

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11086402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6557 >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Homes of French health minister & ex-PM raided by police as part of coronavirus probe


French police have carried out dawn raids on a raft of prominent politicians, including the former prime minister and the current health minister, as part of an inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.


The extraordinary development came after doctors, Covid-19 patients, police officers and others filed an unprecedented number of complaints about equipment shortages and other issues, prompting a special court to order an investigation into how the government managed the crisis.


The French health ministry confirmed that the home and offices of health minister Olivier Veran, as well as the homes of former prime minister Edouard Philippe and Veran’s predecessor Agnès Buzyn, were searched on Thursday morning.


A host of other prominent persons were also targeted by investigators, including Sibeth Ndiaye, a former spokesperson for President Emmanuel Macron, Geneviève Chêne, director general of the French public health agency, and Jérôme Salomon, France’s top health ministry official.


On Wednesday night Macron announced nightly curfews –9pm and 6am– in Paris and eight other cities in a bid to clamp down on the rising number of new Covid-19 cases. Almost a third of the country’s population will be impacted when the curfews come into effect from Saturday.


“We cannot get through this if everyone doesn’t play their part, doesn't do their bit. So I am saying very clearly the message I have come to convey this evening: I need every one of you, we need each one of us,” Macron said in a TV address announcing the new measures.


French law dictates that the president is immune from prosecution during his term of office and cannot be held accountable in a court investigation.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.11086432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dictionaries Caught Rewriting Definitions in Real-Time to Support Democrat Attack on Amy Barrett


It’s routine for the America’s corrupt ruling class to use their cultural dominance of American institutions to exert control over narratives. But Tuesday’s Supreme Court hearings prompted one of the most appalling examples ever seen, with the left’s culture commissars trying to redefine a word on the fly.


Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii is one of the most odious and pathetic Democrats in Washington. Supreme Court hearings are where she chooses to disgrace herself the most. In 2018, Hirono argued that Brett Kavanaugh should be presumed guilty, rather than innocent, when he was hit with ludicrous sexual assault charges from Christine Blasey Ford.


This time around, Hirono attacked Barrett for her word choice. President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, she said, is a bigot. Why? Because she used the term “sexual preference” as a synonym for “sexual orientation.”


Let me make clear – sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term.


To suggest sexual orientation is a choice? It's not. It's a key part of a person's identity.


The LGBTQ+ community should be concerned with #WhatsAtStake with Judge Barrett on the Supreme Court.


— Senator Mazie Hirono (@maziehirono) October 13, 2020


Given the stakes of a Supreme Court hearing, it’s understandable that Barrett tried to be accommodating. But she shouldn’t have been. The attack was completely ridiculous, dishonest, and made in bad faith. Old Joe Biden himself used “sexual preference” just a few months ago:


The Left said Amy Coney Barrett was bigoted because she used the term "sexual preference."


Here's Joe Biden using the same term in May.


— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 13, 2020


Newly-canonized progressive saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg also used the term, in 2017.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg can say "sexual preference" and it's not a problem … but Amy Coney Barrett be damned if she writes the term ONE TIME. #Facts #Liberals @JacobLongSTL


— Teachers (@RobertW44404901) October 14, 2020


Several sitting Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have used it too. So has CNN:


There are lots of misconceptions about gender fluidity, according to those in the community. Being gender-fluid doesn’t determine a person’s sexual preference. [CNN]


But it doesn’t matter. When our corrupt ruling class has a target, precedent, consistency, and basic fair play all go out the window. If declaring “sexual preference” offensive is needed to attack a Republican, then “sexual preference” is the new n-word.


America’s top dictionaries are happy to play along. A quick look at the Wayback Machine makes it clear that, prior to Tuesday’s hearing, Merriam-Webster’s found nothing offensive about using “preference” to mean “orientation. But as soon the hearing happened, the dictionary’s editors sprung into action. The page was updated just hours later with a new definition announcing that “sexual preference” was offensive and, by extension, Amy Coney Barrett is a very bad person for using it.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.11086499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cypriot parliament speaker quits after undercover video shows his alleged involvement in cash-for-citizenship scandal


Cypriot parliament speaker quits after undercover video shows his alleged involvement in cash-for-citizenship scandal

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.11086588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Cop Sexually Assaults Child During Traffic Stop, Gets Only 14 Days in Jail, Won’t Register as Sex Offender


Honolulu, HI — Police sexual assaults in the United States are so common that TFTP cannot possibly cover them all. The underlying theme of all of them, however, is the lack of punishment these cops receive for preying on others, including children. As the following infuriating case out of Honolulu illustrates, cops can and will sexually assault children, while on duty, and receive little more than a slap on the wrist.


Honolulu police officer Kramer Aoki’s case has been in the system for over 6 years as the family of the victim fought to bring him to justice. However, although the case came to an end on Tuesday, the family found out this week that “justice” is entirely arbitrary and favors those who serve the establishment. The cop who sexually assaulted their daughter was sentenced to just two weeks in jail. As an added bonus, he will not have to register as a sex offender.


What’s more, Aoki’s special privilege awarded him with the benefit of wiping all the charges off his record — meaning, if he wanted to, he could be a cop again.


As the Star Advertiser reports, Circuit Judge Kevin Souza sentenced the 41-year-old on Tuesday in the fourth-degree sexual assault case, and granted him a deferral of a no-contest plea. If Aoki complies with the terms of the deferral, the conviction will be wiped off his record and he will stay off the sex offender registry.


According to prosecutors, on Sept. 6, 2014, Aoki pulled over a 17-year-old girl for speeding. During the stop, the girl asked him not to give her a ticket. Thinking this granted him permission to sexually assault her, while the girl was still in his custody, Aoki began groping her breasts. He then gave her back her license and registration and sent her on her way.


After she was sexually assaulted, the girl told her parents who then successfully fought to have Aoki charged. But that was the end of their success. Over the last six years, Akoi has been given preferential treatment as the court kept dismissing his case and lowering the charges.


The crime of sexually assaulting a child — while that child is in an officer’s custody — carries a sentence of five years. Instead of denying that Aoki sexually assaulted the child, his defense argued that she was not in his custody in an effort to have the charge lowered. And it worked.

His lawyer, Thomas Otake, told Circuit Judge Glenn Kim in 2014, “A traffic stop is not custody.”


Deputy City Prosecutor Lynn Costales had argued that while she was not under arrest, the girl was not free to leave because Aoki had her driver’s license and vehicle registration when he touched her — which is the truth.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.11086646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe


It’s hard to decide which development is worse: the FBI’s lengthy pattern of arrogant misconduct, or the mainstream media’s willingness to be an accomplice in excusing such misconduct. Either behavior undermines government accountability and the protection of civil liberties. The entire episode is a sobering example of irresponsibility on the part of institutions that nevertheless insist on respect from the public.


The mainstream media not only continues to parrot the narrative that President Donald Trump is a Russian asset who collaborated with Moscow to steal the 2016 presidential election, but journalists have also minimized or dismissed evidence about FBI abuses during the course of the investigation into those allegations.


One point that emerged clearly when Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his report in December 2019 was that the FBI had committed serious violations of its own procedures and basic requirements of due process. The scope and severity of that misconduct have become even more apparent with the passage of time.


Although Horowitz did not endorse the Trump White House’s core allegation that the FBI had initiated the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of the Trump campaign out of political bias, the IG report identified 17 major instances of improper behavior, including violations of standard procedures and safeguards for the rights of individuals targeted in an investigation. Most of the abuses occurred with respect to investigative warrants aimed at Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. Especially disturbing violations included the withholding of exculpatory evidence in warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Among the offenses was the repeated failure to disclose that Page was working for the CIA during the period he was making contact with Russian diplomatic and intelligence officials. In one instance, FBI assistant general counsel Kevin Clinesmith even altered a document to make it state the opposite of its original language about Page’s role.


Despite the damaging revelations in the IG report, most of the initial accounts in the mainstream media echoed the arguments that former FBI director James Comey and other agency defenders made. News stories emphasized the rejection of the political bias charge, with that aspect eclipsing all other conclusions that placed the FBI in a less favorable light. NBC News opted for the headline “Internal Justice watchdog finds that Russia probe was justified, not biased against Trump.” PBS NewHour’s headline was “DOJ inspector general finds no bias in FBI’s Russia probe.” Other outlets were at least as flagrant in their spin of the IG’s report. New York Magazine’s headline blared that “Inspector General Finds Russia Investigation Wasn’t an FBI Witch Hunt,” “So much for the Deep State Plot against Donald Trump,” proclaimed an article in Wired.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11086679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Zuckerberg donates $100mn more for ‘safe elections’ as judge says no law prohibits private funding despite ‘risk of skewing’ vote


Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg will donate another $100 million to aid election officials around the US after an initial $300 million grant was ruled lawful by a federal judge despite warning that the money could distort the vote.


A lawsuit challenging the grant scheme in Wisconsin was struck down on Wednesday, with US District Judge William Griesbach stating that he found no legal reason to bar five major cities in the state from receiving $6.3 million from the donated funds. However, Griesbach noted in his decision that the private cash could potentially influence the outcome of the election.


The risk of skewing an election by providing additional private funding for conducting the election in certain areas of the state may be real.


"The record before the court, however, does not provide the support needed for the court to make such a determination, especially in light of the fact that over 100 additional Wisconsin municipalities received grants as well," he added.


Initially brought by the Wisconsin Voters Alliance last month, the suit alleged Zuckerberg’s grant money was tantamount to bribery, arguing it would be used to unevenly boost voter turnout in Democratic districts across the five Wisconsin cities – Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee and Racine. Similar suits have been launched in a number of battleground states in the 2020 race, including Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa and Pennsylvania, where grant money is also on offer for local elections offices.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.11086760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813 >>7052 >>7103

Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team


Following the publication of the New York Post’s bombshell story about the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine, Facebook and Twitter worked hard to suppress the story across their platforms. The censorship comes just weeks after executives from both firms joined the Biden transition team.


Breitbart News recently reported on the New York Post’s bombshell story that indicated that Joe Biden may have met with an adviser to the board of Burisma while he was Vice President, arranged by his son Hunter, who was working as a lobbyist for the company at the time. Joe Biden has previously said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”


But, the leaked emails allegedly show that Hunter introduced his father to a Bursima executive less than a year before Biden, acting as Vice President, pressured the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. Shortly after the story broke, many found themselves having trouble sharing it across social media. This censorship comes just weeks after executives from both Facebook and Twitter joined the Biden transition team.


Breitbart News reported in September that Twitter Public Policy Director Carlos Monje left the social media company to join the transition team for Joe Biden. Monje’s specific role on the team has not been made clear and Biden’s transition team reportedly declined to comment on the situation.


Despite a specific role not being named, Monje will reportedly be serving as co-chair of Biden’s infrastructure policy committee and has already helped to host a fundraiser for Biden this week, according to an invitation sent to Politico.


Monje has worked in the world of presidential transition politics in the past, previously serving as the director of agency review on the team that prepared for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s administration, which failed to take flight. Monje also worked on the Obama administration team’s 2008 national security working group according to his LinkedIn profile.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.11086810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Officials Announce International Operation Targeting Transnational Criminal Organization QQAAZZ that Provided Money Laundering Services to High-Level Cybercriminals


U.S. Victims of Various Cybercriminal Malware Schemes throughout the United States Had Stolen Multi-Million Dollar Funds Laundered by QQAAZZ

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.11086847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7103

UK Spy Chief Confirms ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Islamists are Biggest Terror Threat – But MSM Hypes ‘Far Right’


New MI5 director-general Ken McCallum has confirmed that Islamist jihadists remain by far the biggest terror threat in Britain — but the mainstream media has chosen to hype his remarks on the comparatively minor threat from the far-right instead.


“Islamist extremist terrorism… by volume remains our largest threat,” the Glasgow born spy boss confirmed in his first public address since taking over Britain’s domestic intelligence agency.


“It is still the case that tens of thousands of individuals are committed to this ideology – and we must continually scan for the smaller numbers within that large group who at any given moment might be mobilising towards attacks,” he said.


“Having someone ‘on our radar’ is not the same as having them under detailed real-time scrutiny. Difficult judgements of prioritisation and risk must be made,” McCallum added — a warning which will come as little surprise to Britons familiar with learning than a given terrorist was “previously known” to the authorities, or in some cases even a convicted extremist out from prison on licence.


UK: Streatham Knifeman Named as Sudesh Amman, Was a Convicted Terrorist Released from Prison Early


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 2, 2020


Despite McCallum clear admission that Islamist terrorism remains by far the number one threat to Britain, mainstream media outlets such as the BBC and CNN chose to emphasise and often lead on his comments about the “sadly rising” — but comparatively minor — threat of “right-wing extremism” instead.


“This threat is not, today, on the same scale as Islamist extremist terrorism,” McCallum had acknowledged, although he did say it was “growing” and that “of the 27 late-stage terrorist attack plots in Great Britain disrupted by MI5 and CT Policing since 2017, 8 have been right-wing extremist.”


This was all the encouragement some news outlets needed to sideline the far more pressing and, in terms of actual attacks, far more deadly Islamist threat, with the BBC not even mentioning it in the opening paragraph of its report:


Britain is facing a “nasty mix” of national security threats, from hostile state activity by Russia and China to fast-growing right-wing terrorism, the new director-general of MI5 has said.


The publicly-funded broadcaster did acknowledge in the second paragraph of its story that “Northern Irish and Islamist extremism [are] also a concern” — but it is not until paragraph twenty that it concedes that it admits that “jihadist plots form the bulk of UK investigations”.


This is more remarkable for the fact that the Muslim population which serves as the most likely recruitment pool for jihadism is comparatively small at less than four million people.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.11086872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6905 >>7052 >>7103

‘BLM Bandwagon’: Google UK Doodle Celebrates Black Nationalist, Communist Activist Claudia Jones


In celebration of Black History Month in Britain, Google’s UK homepage featured a portrait of black nationalist and former Communist Party member Claudia Jones on Wednesday.


Jones, a Trinidad and Tobago-born left-wing activist and journalist, migrated to the United States as a child in the 1920s. She became involved in far-left circles, advocating for black nationalism and eventually becoming an elected member of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA. She served four stints in prison during her time as a far-left activist in America.


Jones was an early proponent of what was later termed ‘intersectionality’, writing in 1949: “The bourgeoisie is fearful of the militancy of the Negro woman, and for good reason. The capitalists know, far better than many progressives seem to know, that once Negro women begin to take action, the militancy of the whole Negro people, and thus of the anti-imperialist coalition, is greatly enhanced.”


Google said in a statement: “Throughout her life, Jones tirelessly championed issues like civil rights, gender equality, and decolonisation through journalism, community organisation, and public speaking. She focused much of her work on the liberation of Black women everywhere from the discrimination they faced due to a combination of classism, racism, and sexism.”


The Silicon Valley tech company thanked Ms Jones for her “lifelong commitment to a more equitable world”.


In 1955, Jones was deported to the UK for being a foreign-born member of the Communist Party. Upon reaching the UK, she founded the country’s first black-owned newspaper, the West Indian Gazette, which folded after eight months after her death due to lack of funding.


Following the Notting Hill Race Riots, she held a ‘mardi gras’ in London in 1959, with the proceeds going to pay for the fines and legal costs of the rioters. The street party she put on is seen as a precursor to the Notting Hill Carnival.


Claudia Jones died in 1964 at the age of 49. She is buried to the left of her hero, Communist Manifesto author Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetary in London.


It's a shame @GoogleUK didn't take the opportunity yesterday to celebrate the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


— Calvin Robinson (@calvinrobinson) October 14, 2020


In response to the decision by Google to celebrate Claudia Jones, mixed-race political commentator Calvin Robinson told Breitbart London: “I think it’s interesting that Google chose to celebrate the life of a black nationalist communist while having the motto ‘don’t be evil’.”


“We all know the evils of communism, and the millions of lives lost to this ideology,” Robinson said.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.11086925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7103

Are the big social media companies literally trying to determine who wins the presidential election?


In 2016, the big social media companies were criticized for allowing others to influence the outcome of the election, but in 2020 the big social media companies are directly interfering in the election more than anyone else is by a very wide margin. They insist that they have a duty to prevent the flow of “harmful information”, but whenever they act it always seems to help Democrats and hurt Republicans. It has become obvious that Facebook, Twitter and other large social media companies are trying to help Democrats win, and that is especially true when it comes to the presidential election. No matter what you think of Joe Biden and no matter what you think of Donald Trump, all Americans should want the election to be fair. Unfortunately, the big social media companies have discovered that they have the ability to sway public opinion on a massive scale, and this is the first election in which they are really flexing those muscles. But if we allow those that control the levers of power on the Internet to determine the outcomes of our elections from now on, our system is doomed and the American experiment will be over.


On Thursday, the New York Post published a bombshell article about Hunter Biden that included some really shocking new revelations. As soon as I read the article I recognized that it was very newsworthy and I immediately linked to it on The Most Important News, and other conservative websites did the same thing.


Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter were working aggressively to limit the spread of the article…


Facebook and Twitter took steps on Wednesday to limit the spread of a controversial New York Post article critical of Joe Biden, sparking outrage among conservatives and stoking debate over how social media platforms should tackle misinformation ahead of the US election.


In an unprecedented step against a major news publication, Twitter blocked users from posting links to the Post story or photos from the unconfirmed report. Users attempting to share the story were shown a notice saying: “We can’t complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful.”


If Facebook and Twitter had taken similar steps when stuff was leaked about Trump over the years, we could forgive them for this sort of censorship.

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.11086949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7103

China Demands French Museum Erase History of Mongols, Genghis Khan from Exhibit


A French museum has postponed an exhibition on the 13th-century Mongol emperor Ghengis Khan, after accusing China of “censorship” and of trying to rewrite history.


The Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne history museum in Nantes was planning the exhibition in partnership with the Inner Mongolia Museum in Hohhot, China, when conflicts arose over certain historical facts that the Chinese Bureau of Cultural Heritage demanded be altered.


The Communist country’s culture department demanded complete control of all the texts and catalogue of the exhibition, including maps, legends, and brochures, which had to be sent to China for approval, according to Le Parisien.


Even after the contract was signed to agree to the loaning of the pieces to the museum, China demanded that words like “Genghis Khan”, “empire”, and “Mongol” be removed from the title, insisting it instead be called: “Chinese Steppe Culture of the World.”


China did not just want the removal of words, but a complete rewrite of history, with Nantes museum noting the new text sent from the communist state contained “elements of biased rewriting of Mongol culture in favour of a new national narrative”.


China Is Like ‘Nazi Germany’, Say British MPs Who Allege Systematic ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of the Uyghurs


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 11, 2020


“The word Mongol only appeared on the twelfth page, Genghis Khan had completely disappeared, and the point of view was centred on the Han dynasty,” said museum director Bertrand Guillet.


Branding it “censorship”, the museum postponed the event until 2024, saying China’s actions reflected the recent “hardening… of the position of the Chinese government against the Mongol minority”.


The plight of Inner Mongolians is probably less well known in the West than that of other minority groups being subjected to oppression by the CCP, such as the Falun Gong, Muslim Uyghurs of Xinjiang, Tibetans, and Hong Kongers. But the museum incident is the latest example of what human rights groups have called “cultural genocide” against the people.


After the Second World War, China annexed southern Mongolia, turning it into the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Over the past 70 years, the Communist Chinese Party has eroded Inner Mongolians’ rights and encouraged ethnic Han Chinese to move to the region, resulting in Mongolians now being outnumbered by nearly six to one in their own land.


The Diplomat reported in September how the culture war against ethnic Mongolians came to a head when Beijing order that the Mongolian language be sidelined in many school subjects in favour of Mandarin. The move sparked protests by parents across the region, with authorities issuing thousands of arrest warrants against protest organisers.


Restaurant Removes ‘Racist’ Xi Jinping ‘Bat Man’ Art After Woke Backlash


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 13, 2020

Anonymous ID: 7814ba Oct. 15, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.11087027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7103

Where Are Mail-in Ballots Being Stored?


A man called into Rush Limbaugh’s show the other day with an interesting take on why Basement Biden and the DNC are just going through the motions of campaigning and don’t give a damn how bad the ‘optics’ are that people are seeing.


By optics he’s referring to the glaring lack of interest in old Joe and Ho Harris’ campaign – except for the non-stop screaming and screeching by Hollywood ‘celebrities’ and the DNC’s MSM.


Miami PD Estimates More Than 30,000 Cars Participated in Anti-Communist, Latinos For Trump Caravan in South Florida (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s Miami ‘Car Parade’ a Total Flop – Only 15 Cars Participate (VIDEO)


OMG! NO ONE Is Showing Up to Biden-Harris Events and NO ONE Is Watching Online – Biden-Harris Have Only 3% of President Trump’s Online Viewership


DON’T BELIEVE GARBAGE POLLS: Trump Is Crushing Biden In Energy, In Our ‘Rally Tally’, in Boat, Car, Horse and Buggy Parades and Even Cookie Sales


60% of Attendees of Trump’s Minnesota Rally Were Not Republicans


VP Mike Pence Draws 4,000 in Florida — More Supporters than Joe Biden Has Seen at ALL RALLIES ALL YEAR!


Biden, Harris Kick Off ‘Bus Tour’ In Arizona — Not A Single Person Shows Up


Honest Americans have to acknowledge Basement Biden has advanced dementia because his lack of mental acuity is on display everytime he makes a public appearance or reads off a teleprompter in his basement.


Joe Biden addresses the ‘people of Arizona,’ but he’s actually in Nevada


“Where Am I Going?” – A Confused Joe Biden Bolts From Podium After PA Speech and Walks Over to People WITHOUT A MASK (VIDEO)


Joe Biden Has an Idea So Dumb That it Will Make Your Brain Melt – “BIDEN: If a police officer “goes on a 911 call, it’s better if he or she has with them a psychologist or psychiatrist.” (Dementia is nothing to joke about but it’s obvious sexual predator, ‘old Uncle Joe’ has serious neurological issues.)


Joe’s biggest crowds are Trump supporters lined up to greet him when arriving for his rallies or speeches chanting ‘four more years’. Never seen anything like it.


Kamala Harris Skips Amy Coney Barrett Hearing Citing Coronavirus While Attending Numerous Indoor Events


Video: Joe Biden: The task we have is to “create a new world order”


‘On the Threshold of the New World Order: The Wilsonian Vision and American Foreign Policy in the 1990s and beyond’, Joseph Biden, June 29, 1992.


Joe Biden Championed Freezing Social Security Benefits for Elderly Americans


Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Accept the Outcome of the Election Without Any Questions” (VIDEO) – (I’ll bet Hillary farted so loud over that one it shook the Grand Canyon!)


Kamala Harris’s husband and his company’s ties to the CCP could affect the campaign for the vice presidency (I don’t see why. Mitch McConnell’s wife’s family and the commies seems to be just fine with Republicans. Both of Schweizer’s books really are mandatory reading; your local library might have copies. Profiles in Corruption- Clinton Cash and Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends