Anonymous ID: d3ab46 Oct. 15, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.11087493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8890 >>9360 >>9361

Q Team , Do you have any intelligence on the Massachusetts Diebold voting machines? Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai shows how 1 million ballots were destroyed in the MA Republican primary. Dr Shiva ran a strong campaign with lots of grassroots support and he lost to a challenger that had minimal groundgame. Massachusetts is a Deep State Stronghold, Ed Markey beat Patrick Kennedy in the Dem Primary which seems suspect.

Dr Shiva wanted to see the Ballots and Federal Law requires them to hold the Ballots for 22 months. Using the Diebold Optical Scan Machine the machine takes the paper Ballot and makes a digital image and that becomes the ballot.

Question 1 in MA on the Ballot is to allow Ranked Choice Voting meaning you can rate them on a scale and is ripe for corruption, Think College Football #1 Ranking fixed. But it as a questionon the ballot we need to vote to or not to impliment.

During the Primary DR Shiva says that the Diebold Machines were already using a weighted system, where a vote was not worth 1 vote but a decimal of a vote. When that weighted system is activated it destroys the digital image of the scanned ballot. Which sounds like it shouldnt even be an option to erase the ballot. The Paper ballots still exist but DR Shiva says they are to remain sealed until they are destroyed , so no recount. I am Furious at my state of MA because how can we have any faith in this.

DR Shiva is organizing a Write In Campaign because if there is a write in then they have to count the ballots by hand and can't use the optical scanner.