I have met fat bitches like this before they love telling others how to live there lives, when they can’t even control there own weight.
They should of left comments on.
Sooo fucking clueless.
Lol you would think they would care about our opinion. You think they know we are alll watching?
Lol Sinclair…. this is a significant threat to our democracy… she is brainwashed!
So mostly women At this hearing?
Lol we need to break in to their broadcast with the guy fawkes mask. On and telll them what for while rhyming.
She must be talking about heels up?
I am pretty sure these folks are so far gone you couldn’t even explain the truth to them.
What the fuck you guys are getting paid?
I am thinking they have no idea how behind the eight all they are.
Q I need a job in intelligence if this is all it takes to qualify, these folks are idiots! Educated idiots.
Yeah they don’t understand that the solution isn’t to have elites tell people what to think but to train everyone to think.
Woot I hope so