Anonymous ID: dc440e Oct. 15, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.11088769   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8858 >>8912

Coronavirus stimulus: Democratic congresswoman says Mnuchin's $1.8T offer would bring relief


Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D., Virg.) is breaking with Democratic leadership and making the case that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s latest $1.8 trillion stimulus offer would “meaningfully help” people.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and the Democratic chairs of House committees have panned the White House proposal as “grossly inadequate,” “weak” and “a transparent attempt to score political points.”


“I am hearing from people everywhere I go about the challenges they're facing — paying their rent, paying their mortgage, small-business owners who are teetering on the edge of losing everything that they've worked for while other small businesses already have. The need for relief is immense and it is immediate,” said Spanberger in an interview with Yahoo Finance.


When asked if Pelosi should accept the $1.8 trillion proposal, Spanberger said it “comprises elements of everything that Democrats have been advocating for.”


The congresswoman pointed to additional direct payments, aid for small businesses and enhanced unemployment benefits, money for the postal service as positive pieces of the White House proposal. Spanberger said she would “look forward to voting for it” if those elements made it in a bill.


“There may be additional areas of relief that need to be addressed later, but the proposal that's been put forth is pretty large. Talking about a dollar amount versus the programs comprised in this proposal, I think gets off topic — and the topic is, if this were to pass tomorrow and be signed into law tomorrow, would we deliver relief to the American people who need it? And the answer is yes.”