These 'mouthpiece' frauds say this every election, none of them ever follow through.
Another proof:
POTUS now has an almost unlimited supply of 'anon accounts' to retweet declassified and other information MOABs. He can fire at will.
If the fascists at Twitter or Facebook suspend or censor one account, a hundred will appear in their place.
They cannot stop this.
A = It completely nullifies the fake narrative attempts to cast Q as Hitler 2.0
B = Q has said this was "Biblical" a number of times.
A + B
Where are your difficult questions?
>Noone never ever said that he was him.
First, that's false, there have been a number of left wing 'sources' smearing Q and Anons as fascist, Nazis, etc.
Second, the reason you're not seeing it a whole lot is precisely because Q has intentionally saved Israel for last and did not mention it.
See how that works? To refer to past evidence that is the result of not mentioning Israel, to admit that history is not showing a whole lot of narrative that Q is a secret Hitler 2.0 fascist usurper seeking to exterminate a whole race, is precisely an outcome expected.
If on the other hand Q did mention Israel over and over and over again, what do you really believe the fake news and Q's opponents would say, and what do you believe they would cite as 'proof' they're right?
To reiterate, when I said "Hitler 2.0", I refer to a general metaphor to how the fake news WOULD react IF they saw Q mention the deep state evils in that particular country (that was also in the US).
But by not mentioning Israel, by focusing on THE ACTIONS of people, Q has completely nullified any chance of the fake news in citijg anything Q said to 'prove' their fake narrative that the "Plan" is anything other than taking down a Satanic cult of Child rapists and ritual killers.
Let's see if the Twitter censors will censor THE WASHINGTON TIMES.
THIS is why it had to be drip drip drip.
Moves and countermoves.