Down detector for Twitter
Down detector for Twitter
>>11091809 (lb)
>Aviation staffer who has flown with Biden in recent days tests positive for COVID-19
Plus Kamala staffer is positive
Here we go.
Biden about to test positive for muh corona in 3…2…
When I click the trending and go to "latest" the newest tweets are 1 hour old.
They'veALWAYSbeen criminals not "peaceful protesters". People just didn't give a shit until THEIR neighborhoods were effected.
Can you tweet tho?
ohHEdoesn't like personal attacks on his family?
There's a few people who have something to say about that. (pics related.)
They're scrambling to create an algorithm that will block ALL Hunter/Joe Biden negative articles.
Until then, I don't think it WILL come back up.
If he hadn't made a copy, we'd NEVER KNOW!
He's lucky he didn't get the SR treatment between last June and now.
2 stupids make this (pic related)