NBC, all accusations against Trump on COVID and masks, and he is not setting a good example.
ZERO on how he will govern. Ten minutes of accusation from moderator.
NBC, all accusations against Trump on COVID and masks, and he is not setting a good example.
ZERO on how he will govern. Ten minutes of accusation from moderator.
NBC asks him to denounce white supremacy again. Accuses him of being hesitant to denounce white supremacy. Trump denouces them, Antifa …
Ooooh, asks him Qanon question. Will you disavow Qanon in its entirety. Says she can;t be trusted to give accurate impression. A satatnic cult run by the deep state. She's going to be stuck on Qanon.
Great combat between moderator and Trump. Trump is beating her up. Qanon is against pedophilia.
Now getting him on retweet of the Seal Team 6 story. She doesn't get it, you are POTUS, not like some crazy uncle.
Now onto peaceful transfer of power. Will you accept results of election? He goes into the mass mailing of ballots. Wray says there is no evidence of widespread fraud. He say oh yeah, read the paper, hundreds of thousands.
Trump "peaceful transfer? They lied, tried to take me out, but I'll take a defeat." NBC says there are not thousands of fraud ballots. Ironic that you ask about peaceful transfer when you stifled it.
First panelist is a DEM, Guthrie says is independent. Q involves Woodward, and why did Trump not act stronger to save tens of thousands of lives.
Trump knows this is a setup. He loves the combat.
Correctamundo. Elected peeps are puppet actors. Close to the action which has insider trading-like benefits, which is the pay for doing what they are told.
NBC, all masks, all the time. The mask channel. Are masks popular? Must be. NBC thinks we should all wear them, all the time.