>“…What you tell me doesn’t necessarily make it fact. I hate to say that.”
Guthrie is rabid
Really rabid and seething
You can see the rage in her face as she speaks
>“…What you tell me doesn’t necessarily make it fact. I hate to say that.”
Guthrie is rabid
Really rabid and seething
You can see the rage in her face as she speaks
>>11094266 [lb]
>Satanic Cult Run By The Deep State
Savannah Guthrie:
Matt Lauer's co host before he was fired for being a sexual predator
>DIGG anons
>>11094141 [lb]
NBC – Savannah Gutherie is on the list
Q 1515
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
Trump crushing @SavannahGuthrie. Truly savaging her. I can't believe this is even real.
>I missed that. Can fren link?
>I’m on & off breads trying to do RL & keep up with the insufferable CUNT attacking POTUS.