Each individual has 3 expressions of energy.
Mental (spirit): How you Think
Emotion (soul): How you Feel
Physical (body): How you Act
Each are Self-Directed or Other-Directed.
Meaning, each are under the control of the individual… or, the control is with some other thing / other individual.
Each can form (strengthen) and un-form (weaken) patterns (repeat).
Each has 2 extreme (maximum) states.
Each has an infinite gradient between the 2 extreme states.
Each has a 'center' between the 2 extreme states.
There is 'art in understanding' the subtle nature of this.
…each are under the control of the individual… or, the control is with some other thing / individual.
How is this useful? By observing the 3 over time, we begin to learn how external influences cause any of the 3 to drift / move away from center.
Once this is learned, we can become active in returning them back to center (correcting).
After mastering this 'correcting', we naturally move into learning to be proactive. Recognizing external influences before they cause any drifiting away from center. This allows us to avoid or normalize the influence… making it ineffective.
Being proactive eventually becomes near instinct, requiring little thought or consideration. The reason for this, is that external influences follow a small set of patterns.
The false perception of variety comes from matching a pattern to the medium of delivery and which of the 3 is being influenced. Small changes are needed to make the matching effective. A dog poops in your yard. Putting a hat on the poop does not change what it is… its still poop.
Why the external influence?
A good question, with as many answers as there are desires. But it is helpful to know that…
How you Act is influenced by, How you Feel and How you Think.
How you Feel is influenced by, How you Act and How you Think.
How you Think is influenced by, How you Act and How you Feel.
Naturally, through a wake sleep cycle, each takes a turn being the dominant of the other two.
It is possible to increase the dominance of of one over the other two. This can be increased to where one is dominant throughout the wake sleep cycle.
If the individual is in control, the choice of which of the 3 to make dominant is theirs.
If the individual is not in control, the external influences 'will' determine which of the 3 is dominant.
An experiment:
Pick any television series / movie / news / book etc.. can you spot which of the 3 is being influenced the most?
Pick a different type of series / movie.. can you spot which of the 3 is influenced the most? are they the same?
Recall all the movies and series you have enjoyed in your life. Which of the 3 is most often influenced?
How has the entertainment influenced the direction of your life? Did it influence or assist in forming preferences? Does it affect your similarity with a different individual?
Thought Experiment:
Imagine it is your responsibility to manage and provide direction to millions or billions of individuals. What would make your responsibility easier and more efficient? How would you implement these / roll out these methods? Would population accept and adapt? Why? Or, Would the population turn against you? Why?
Now, a twist to the experiment… what if power, its increase and its protection were the dominant desires that motivate your existence? How would that affect your responsibility?
Where is the equillibrium found?
External Influence Usage of this Knowledge
Re-Consider (Re-Contemplate) the meaning of the following in the light of what has been presented:
Devil (opposite of Lived (past tense))
Evil (opposite of Live (present tense))
Sin (Sine (wave), move away from center)
Angel (Angle (degrees or radians))
Tithe (funding)
Divine (divide)
Spiritual (intentional formation of thinking patterns)
Religion (repeated action of establishing connections)
Cross (a tool for measuring circular / cyclical motion)
A collection of words that describe attributes of mind, its fluctuations, its extents, its influences and its tools of measurement.
Why the Importance of Mental states?
A useful dig: The adjectives used to describe each member in the family tree for Greek Mythology. Compare the adjectives of the first 13 gods / goddesses with the adjectives found in the first 13 verses of Genesis.
Consider that the characters of the family tree. It reads like a list of modern diagnosis of most mental abnormalities in individuals today. The further away from the beginning (center) the more erratic the mental state. Hermes shows the path through the abnormalities..