Timing is everything.
Don't think for a moment that we've seen the last of these bombshells more than 2 weeks from November 3rd.
Timing is everything.
Don't think for a moment that we've seen the last of these bombshells more than 2 weeks from November 3rd.
Oh, crap. Did I shit this bread?
I'm so sorry. I should know better by now.
Tyb and my apologies again
>"I do know they are very much AGAINST pedophilia. They fight it very hard…"
>"Let me just tell you, what I do hear ABOUT it is they are very strongly against pedophilia, and I agree with that…"
You see that? POTUS went OUT OF HIS WAY to finish that thought and repeat it before they could transition to another topic.
Oh, he knows.
Nice filename, by the way.