Anon I wanted you to know
You're the hero of this story
The Savior of the Internets
You're a fucking Legend Anon
Thank you for everything
Anon I wanted you to know
You're the hero of this story
The Savior of the Internets
You're a fucking Legend Anon
Thank you for everything
>t. nickname
kek, how long have these faggots been going on about GEOTUS not denouncing Q?
Talk about Dead Cat Bounce..
Taken you three years so far.. what seems to be the issue?
kek, hi /leftypol/ what happened to you board?
BO still awkwardly giving blowies?
purrrrrr i luv annoon 2vr
Cant catch me, I'm fast as fuck booii!!!!
>>11097333 trips of truth
I'm sorry anon, but my time has come..
The story is perfect, you were perfect.
Forget me, anon.. They will remember YOU
You made me so happy, I'm so happy anon..
fades into shadows, never to be seen again