That cartoon character is high af I like this one.
Pro-Tip Time, Anons.
We're now at the stage where anons need to turn into Indie Band Fanfags.
QAnon was cooler before all the Chad & Trixies decided it was the in place to be.
Qanon, what a joke.
I was there on day 1 and it was just that Q guy.
Fucking poseurs.
Back on day 1 here, well at /pol/ the birthplace of Qโฆ
You couldn't be known as AnimeFag without 20 other faggots thinking you were talking about them.
kek the cast of characters here have been a trip
yeah um last time I checked giving advance notice of premeditated slander doesn't work on a board of master autists with eyes on and good memories
those anons not me that is
Good Lord compd comms bakers did you all get drunk at class?
My fren told me that pole thing is worse than QAnons is that true?
I thought QAnon was living on the edge but now I'm really curious.
This pole thing could be really naughty I'm kinda getting excited.
Link please.
yeah sorry about the board thing /leftypol/
They come in waves now.
Get BTFO'd.
Regroup on comms under some other GYB brainlet plan that doc warns won't work but will do it anyways.
Rinse Repeat.