hey Q I just watched another interview w/ Catherine Austin Fitts
This interview described all the ways the riots appear to be a central banker led real estate re-development plan, based on maps that compare urban "opportunity zones" with the Antifa/BLM rioting and specific building destruction events (beyond the Federal properties, would be a smoke screen that has side benefits). Similar to the LA riots etc. trying to take over to physical property and money, to enslave the proletariat
And of course also went into Billy Gates and his vaccine push, and probably most importantly, what is happening with education and culture, turning what we value most, our children, against us and humanity in general…
She has a number of interesting ideas to combat it, but it boils down to doing things locally, and shutting out BigBrother and all their surveillance etc., and developing a plan to prepare for and defeat the eventual push back by those that don't want to give up any ground.
its not just Biden and the corrupt pols, or the rich people in the public eye… it goes much farther, to the levers behind the curtain
just curious if that's something you are willing to post more about…