inter-fucking-fasting. That whore had close ties to the Kennedys. The timing of this series is interesting, since declass of other things are swirling around.
Do any other anons read the breads by scrolling to the bottom, then scrolling up? Then when you reach posts you already read, you start from the bottom again?
idk why but this is how i've always done it. i feel like that weird kid who eats the pizza crust first.
1min 20sec in.
When describing the laptop repairman: "He is legally blind, uses a monocle to do his job, and cannot confirm it was Hunter who dropped off the laptop."
I don't think a crackhead Hunter dropped it off. I think it was leaked to a legally-blind boomer, so that he could leak it to the press.
a ghillie suit that looks like crystally bud would sell so many microtransactions.
of ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the liars we've seen over the past 3 hours, He's the fuckin' worst. EVERY time he talks, it's a lie. fuckin' cork soaker.
like gooooooooooood pussy