>i honestly believe transgenderism is a mental disorder. In the future, when science figures out how the brain causes it…
ancient history, anon. dig up books by Eric Berne, father of the psychiatric school of Transactional Analysis." rather than id ego and super ego (WeverTF those are), TA views the psyche as comprised of the inner child and the inner adult. people with unresolved issues from childhood act out "scripts" in which they play a programmed part, unconsciously interacting with the inner child and inner adult of compatible partners. there are surprisingly
few scripts. the ones leading to "gender dysphoria" are easy to understand, elegant in their simplicity, and nearly impossible to deny. his theories were expounded upon most notably by John Bradshaw, who produced many hours of videos dealing with all of the typical mental issues. another notable proponent was M. Scott Peck, author of the "Road Less Traveled" books.