>Anon Chkd
mini-capped it to prove Baker did a solid (-1) from a snipe - kudos NGlzYzQx
>Anon Chkd
mini-capped it to prove Baker did a solid (-1) from a snipe - kudos NGlzYzQx
NGlzYzQx prolly shit-n-baked b4 just never with a tech burp - awkward.
I tried to tell you niggas lb it goes like this:
old/midfag /pol/tards know that's why you ask for id.
Check out early days of Q and the aggressive id checks he was hit with.
Yes. it's diff know than then there, but not that much.
If it is her she needs to cap a portion of her Twat settings that proves she's legit.
Otherwise LARP until proven otherwise.
Eyes on if you're into that, but until I'll prolly make fun of the spammers here.
There we go - high ranking anon on any board.
That's a lot of pasta - break it down a bit for starters.
If interdasting anons will jump in.
The /pol/ stuff goes moar deeper than the twat does.
Crucial to have Chanel (if her) id cap on /pol/ for cred.
Settle down Cartoon Lover that might have been a Steinbart special - the dick fish - need more info.
moar info has arrived
>fucking synergy good for you but unsettling for a while
/pol/ freaked out when QR went there for an hout today.
Some said stfu guise we need new faggots even QTards better than non-stop Blacked threads all day.
Feeling mutual now - welcome aboard you can never leave.
/pol/ is always right except about Q
yeah it was rough but fun they sneak in here all the time can't help themselves
Anons are still there but man is it crowded now (cue Yogi Berra saying).
>This seemed believable until she described his dick.
LARPdar activated.
Prove Me Wrong pending.
kek one time back in the beginning of 8ch camp…
Many /pol/ were saying good glad they're gone they were making us look bad with that boomer larp.
compared to /pol/ we don't have newfags - they are that popular there now I like indie bands (or did I grew out of it)