Why Biden, 2020… 1 of 4
that has been my biggest nemesis, most befuddling numskull fumbling, worst baffling bewitchment ever suspected, for months now.
Ultimately, striving to make sense out of it, has always made absolutely no sense what-so-ever, until recently, when I groped the unthinkable.
To win, normal election, Biden pick was best way to lose. Only fake polls and fake news keeps the Biden arrogant nose above a basement flooded with irrelevance and dirty dealings. Those same 'fackers' failed 2016 election which they still refuse to accept. Why do those buried-by-past, never-movers, stuck-in-mud, get called Progressive? The corruption of Biden and son… family and friends… was already well known and adequately confirmed and documented early 2020. No way it could remain hid… get missed… take a pass. In debate Trump has clobbered Biden with vengeance on outright corruption charges worthy of DOJ immediate action. Tweets are now relentless, as new details cascade. Many saw that coming before Biden announced. Vote for Biden is vote for corruption of all the worst kinds. He has had 47 years to get better yet his bragging rights only extends to… corrupted beyond limits.
So bearing that in mind, to win, not normal election, also must be weighed and considered carefully. Could, will, some fluke give Biden-The-Corrupt not only pass but also win?
Recall, Dem Primary season, the fixing, understand rigging. Biden as Party choice coincided, coincidentally, with the crunch of pandemic, particularly initial lock-down and also serious Bernie surge. Which way was it, did Pandemic screw Bernie or was it the other way around? Regardless, Biden popped out of the union. What we witnessed is all (most) other candidates sudden dropout funneling vote to Biden to beat Bernie. What we have not, subsequently witnessed is all those other Dem candidates rallying around Biden as their sole pick, let alone their soul pick. Admittedly, pandemic leaves them all off the hook, the poor basement down trodden. But it does not seem that any bother to sit in their basements spinning the world towards Biden. He, as the ultimate basement freak, has had to go it alone as plain as POTUS leveling corruption charges against Biden, not alone. None of it makes sense ! ! !
But understand, lock-down was root to 'Vote-By-Mail', thus making 2020 election anything but normal. With lock-down and only with lock-down, 'Vote-By-Mail' scheme took root. PanDEMic Virus, that Trump has now soundly stomped, Virus alone paves way for ballot box stuffing via irresponsible mass mailings in idiotic States. Mass ballot mailings leads folks to think only the most corrupt will win. Thank you China. Simultaneously back then, senile old Biden suddenly got rewarded with all Dem power. Quickly the appearance became Dems planned to win election by massive voting fraud. I'll call that the 11.3 coup. Open Biden corruption twists and turns into open D Party election fraud, birds of a feather, deserve bird alright. But to think most Americans would go along and suffer 4 years of a jerk-face Biden win by outright fraud is ludicrous. Think 4 years of Trump have been roughed up by insanely rude DC thugs, baby you ain't seen nothing yet… just my opinion.
A more mature version to that conniving drives election deep into court decision so that a fraudulent judges can sanction a fraudulent win by a fraudulent candidate. Ludicrous comes to mind again, as far as America's acceptance. One Judge, one Court is not a National Election. Progressives would progress us into thinking we, the more enlightened moderns, as a people, are no longer able to come boldly and plainly to our National Decision because of a Chinese made and bought bug.
Yet another angle on that is to force election 2020 decision into House Speaker hands, understood to be Pelosi. But every House seat terminates end of 2020, including old sharky gavel-head herself, jaw full of arrowheads. Only those who win on 11.3 will determine next Speaker. This scheme requires not only rigging vote for Presidency but also numerous House seats. The hurdle itself literally jumps much higher and the Dem horde must leap up after it in the most visible election in history. A lot more grassroots skulduggery must be deeply entrenched in an election demanding all eyes onboard. All of that lying has to pile up to endorse the far bigger liar, Biden, and his coattail crew, that to date, does not exist. Ludicrous remains.