thought that was what was said.
one more thing… the pic.
humans anthropomorphi[s/z]e God without thinking.
it is a defensive mechanism against Something there is no defense against.
God does not fight… His Will is Reality.
"war in heaven" is a ludicrous fallacy.
one cannot fight God.
one cannot even go against His Will.
difficult truths are coming to light.
these are a few.
the time to understand, to know Him, runs short.
that skywidetimepiece ticks slower moment by moment.
the "twist at the end" is that humans were told the truth (mostly) millenia ago.
now that gift of foresight has led to both heinous blasphemy against what is, in fact, real… and an unquestioning, sheeplike adherence to the ear-tickling words of unscrupulous (if not downright evil) [shepards].
reality is very different, not only from what you think, but also from what you can perceive.
<meh²… yo'ull not heed.
but mayhap you will remember the truth when it is needful.