And Imran Awan’s laptop was just…kinda found in 2017!
“A laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has frantically fought to keep prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer, Imran Awan, along with a letter to the U.S. Attorney.
U.S. Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2017, in a tiny room that formerly served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundations Investigative Group. Alongside the laptop were a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awans drivers license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked attorney-client privilege.
The laptop had the username RepDWS, even though the Florida Democrat and former Democratic National Committee chairman previously said it was Awans computer and that she had never even seen it.
Awan was banned Feb. 2, 2017, from the congressional computer network because he is a suspect in a cybersecurity investigation, but he still had access to House facilities because Wasserman Schultz continued to employ him.
The laptop was found on the second floor of the Rayburn building a place Awan would have had no reason to go because Wasserman Schultzs office is in the Longworth building and the other members who employed him had fired him.”