I just want to take this moment to tell you, Alex Jones, fuck you. What you did this past week with your ringer fraud was disgraceful and brought dishonor to every single one of us who have sacrificed and actually have done for the country. I could go on but I won't because you will just spin your course and play your corroded tune of crap. None of us follow blindly and we have questioned and many of us actually served and then suffered under those corrupt motherfuckers while you spun baloney and played make believe.
So from this honorable discharged veteran who was everything your toy Zach claims he is, fuck you Alex, fuck you. You owe it to yourself and the country you claim to love to stand like a man, act like a man and own your bullshit like a man. Then maybe we can move on. Until then you are a putz only out for money through sensationalism.