paying attention
is to simply perceive without the burden of our
memory's, from which all our trouble arises.
necessary for technical things but not necessary
for true understanding.
paying attention
is to simply perceive without the burden of our
memory's, from which all our trouble arises.
necessary for technical things but not necessary
for true understanding.
She's a satanist for sure!
hmm, she has caused a great deal of suffering for just an actress.
They went do crazy and paranoid they even blocked the Bee, get it?
I was mistaken, you are not weird just mutherfucking stupid
Fuck, suffixes, soo sleepy
Just to be absolutely clear,
White = white people
Supremacy = better than everything else.
this is what KKK people believe
it is a FALSE notion.
By continually asking people to denounce it implies it exists.
It is repeated endlessly to put into non-white peoples heads, the idea that they (non-whites) are inferior.
to create divsion