I read now that innocent people are being murdered by our military tribunals.
Source = https://conspiracydailyupdate.com/2020/06/14/indictments-arrests-and-executions-dismantling-the-deepstate-operatives/.
I recognise at least one person in that list as having been a subject of publications some years ago explaining that she was mind-split.
She had at least one "handler" who would, under threat of death, "trigger" her into a non-conscious state where only a part of her mind was active.
A property of such a non-conscious state is that it is essentially separated from consciousness, from the real person herself.
The handler does that in order to have her, under the fear of death, carry out any action that he, the handler, wishes her to carry out.
When she is separated from consciousness she is thus separated from appreciation of context and thus cannot know what is happening.
Even if she is obliged to take active part in atrocities, she does not know what is happening.
Then, along comes the NSA and collects the video-tapes of what happened.
Then, along come the military tribunals and say she is guilty of atrocities and should be executed summarily. "No deal" they cry.
You can dig and understand what mind split means if you go for example to deprogramwiki.com.
There is material on deprogramwiki that will change your life. Especially the material on "birth mothers".
Or the social site conservativetruthnetwork.com, the group "Helping Q", topics 1) through 6) explain things gently.
So I worry abut innocents being executed and I worry about the state of knowledge and beliefs in America.
Of course there is a description of the actions of the tribunals in the bible. Look at revelations 13.
By believing that she committed an atrocity, the tribunal respects the beast with the wounded head "made whole".
Do you not think it is the same thing? And the bible warns so clearly that we should not respect that beast.
If this problem is not solved, then for me it indicates the fall of Q, Q+, R, as is written in the bible.
And that is something none of us wish for.
Pray please. We need all to do that.
FAQ: I try to answer replies.
1) "So what is your solution? They cannot roam free to harm others. They need to be incarcerated/institutionalized and isolated."
No they are not dangerous. The handler is dangerous, not his victim. The victim would never think of initiating atrocities.
The solution : One needs to learn to distinguish, and to appreciate, and to love, and to understand. Not to punish.
See the interview with Cathy O'Brien on Conservative Truth Network https://www.youtube.com/c/SweetLi/videos.
Do look at deprogramwiki.com.