view count fuckery
Potus still wins
Concast NBC fags split view numbers 3 ways NBC CNBC and MSNBC for
4.3 M view
Disney ABC fags ran the feed for 3 hours vs 1 hour on 3 NBC to catch the stragglers and up the numbers
==2.5 M views
view count fuckery
Potus still wins
Concast NBC fags split view numbers 3 ways NBC CNBC and MSNBC for
4.3 M view
Disney ABC fags ran the feed for 3 hours vs 1 hour on 3 NBC to catch the stragglers and up the numbers
==2.5 M views
Jun 5, 2020 08:01:42 PM THANK YOU MAINE! #MAGA [Twitter for iPhone]
Jun 4, 2020 05:17:31 AM Nasty! [Twitter for iPhone]
May 26, 2020 09:16:28 PM Great News: The boring but very nasty magazine, The Atlantic, is rapidly failing, going down the tubes, and has just been forced to announce it is laying off at least 20% of its staff in order to limp into the future. This is a tough time to be in the Fake News Business!
Walker's Point Estate (or the Bush compound) is the summer retreat house of the Bush family which served as the Summer White House of George H. W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States. It is located along the Atlantic Oceanin the northeast United States, on Walker's Point (previously known as Point Vesuvius and home to a Kennebunkport city park called "Damon Park").
Damon ?