Savannah displayed a very classic example of dissociative disorder when she lashed out at President Trump while he was answering the Q question.
He refuses to disavow, says the Q people are anti-pedophilia and Savannah has a classic multiple personality disorder episode. One of her little personalities comes to the surface. You can see the change in her face as she carries herself in a totally different way. Her demeanor changes and she is compelled to jump in and take a tone with the President. You can really see it in her teeth and her jaw. She develops an underbite and her front incisors meet. This reaction comes out of rage and is a product of the natural biting instincts we have when placed in great threat. Most of us lose these instincts very young because parents teach kids not to bite. Kids who are abused in the family can keep this instinct like any feral animal.
Whatever personality came forward was strongly reinforced to defend the family at all costs. By avoiding her trap the President enraged that personality and it took over Savannah's front-facing persona.
She's 100% a member of the family. Like all others - she was certainly abused, possibly from birth and undoubtedly has multiple personality disorder and dissociative disorders.
Members of the cult/family/illuminati/nwo are victims too. I have no mercy for them. They can ask God for forgiveness. I have none for them.