==(RED OCTOBER) [CCP] + [USA Big Tech - Censorship] = Giant Game of [GO]==
Per Q post >>11085831 (pb) - EVERY ASSET DEPLOYED.
Anons were warned years ago of pending 'China [communist] style' tactic approaching re: censor and terminate any/all dissenting views.
They are not in control of their own platform(s).
Google - DeepMind ← Notice (Donut Swirl Logo)
What is Go? →Moves & Counter-Moves
Go originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Winning this board game requires multiple layers of strategic thinking.
Two players, using either white or black stones, take turns placing their stones on a board. The goal is to surround and capture their opponent's stones or strategically create spaces of territory. Once all possible moves have been played, both the stones on the board and the empty points are tallied. The highest number wins.
As simple as the rules may seem, Go is profoundly complex. There are an astonishing 10 to the power of 170 possible board configurations - more than the number of atoms in the known universe. This makes the game of Go a googol times more complex than chess.
The challenge
Go is known as the most challenging classical game for artificial intelligence because of its complexity.
Despite decades of work, the strongest Go computer programs could only play at the level of human amateurs. Standard AI methods, which test all possible moves and positions using a search tree, can’t handle the sheer number of possible Go moves or evaluate the strength of each possible board position.
This contest has been a (Match of GO) - [DS/CCP/US Big Tech] Vs (Patriots).
(Moves & Counter-Moves)
Trying to:
(Box us in) → [CCP] style digital control of ALL Platforms.
(Take Territory) → [CCP] style removal of dissenting voices.
(Remove our Territory) → [CCP] style blocking of the "Digital Playing Field".
(some headlines for review)
(Daily Beast - Apr 5, 2019)
U.S. Must Put a Ban on Google Helping China Develop a Global Digital Dictatorship
Google’s decision to help China is paving the way for Beijing’s ‘digital dictatorship.’ Ultimately, Washington must make a political decision to criminalize such collaboration.
(Epoch Times - Jul 31, 2019)
Google Works on AI With Top Chinese University That Has Ties to China’s Military
(Breitbart - Oct 14, 2019)
Whistleblower: Google Is Developing AI for ‘Planetary Surveillance’
(Fox Business - Aug 11, 2019)
Google's decision to work with China, not US, 'unprecedented': Peter Thiel
AlphaGois the first computer program to defeat a professional human Go player, the first to defeat a Go world champion, and is arguably the strongest Go player in history.
(continued - Twitter Connection w/ @jack?)