Anonymous ID: fcab20 Oct. 16, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.11102249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447

A friend of mine sent me a text this morning asking me about Q because I told him a few years ago to look into it but we are not in contact much so I didn't know if he did or not. This was my explanation to him of what the Q movement is - "Oh by the way I will tell you what the media will not. The Q movement is nothing more than anonymous citizens of the world predominately in the US doing research (what journalists used to do) on a vast array of subjects both current and past that occasionally gets pointed in a certain direction by Q to focus a hive mind on something. When verifiable information is found it is memed and sent out to the digital world. Q is supposed to be a military intelligence operation of fewer than 10 people which includes Trump as Q+" He said that's not what he read. kek.