this is how stupid the shill baker union is. they think that they can just drop the badges and anons will fall for it. you faggots could bake 6 of every bread and guess what? you still lose. nothing can stop what is coming.
remember that time you split the bread, and then there were days of biden drops? yeah fun times. your efforts are futile and accomplish nothing other than earn you a paycheck and feed your ego. you are the least of us, and wont survive this intact.
>remember that time i fucked your mom ?
this is why you fail at everything you've ever done. pretty soon mommy will be calling your name with a fresh batch of hot pockets and strawberry milk, meanwhile /qresearch/ will keep doing what it always does. outsmarting skinny pants wearing soybois from the baker union and WINNING WINNING WINNING.
its ok, its not your fault that you were born so monumentally stupid that the climax of your life accomplishments was to be a low IQ internet troll. but anons will still hold it against you. and there will be consequences.
you didnt. anons are doing just fine in the legit bread. meanwhile you wannabe spooks play pretend on the internet without an ounce of OPsec thinking that you're safe. where would you like me to hurt you first?
hmm. moldy bread spam bots didnt get far huh snowflake. when are you low lifes going to realize that ANONS OWN YOU? tough to get far without backup
new recruits to replace the last bot platoon we nuked. but you faggots must be scraping the bottom of the barrel now, they had worse OPsec than you did.
dont worry snowflake, if your smart you'll make it.
>i donยดt know what led you do believe i had something to do with them
i dunno, splitting the bake, removing notables, then spam bots being deployed to get the post count up to get to the next bake before the legit baker? the baker union really operates at a level of stupid unsurpassed anywhere else on the internet. its like they think that anons arent watching everything they do on, and off /qresearch/ 24/7
>where is the rule on that
its the same tactics you've been using for months. when i say monumentally stupid, i really mean it.
i can smell your fear. nice hat