because they're corrupt as hell. they figure most of the public are to stupid to see they're part of the criminal syndicate.
best protection money can buy!
because they're corrupt as hell. they figure most of the public are to stupid to see they're part of the criminal syndicate.
best protection money can buy!
that middle image, is the child huffing epidemic, poverty stricken' countries have had real problems, sad.
Brussels, central banks, multinational oligarchs are pushing NO BREXIT. Using CV to usher in their 'green new economic reset', they're working feverishly to collapse the world economy, which in turn, will murder millions. They've mismanaged their welfare State debt, only to cover it up. attempting to cover their massive mistakes they will create consol bonds and eliminate paper currency replaced with digital, once that happens they'll outlaw many, if not all crypto's for the good of the collective.
this would give them complete and thorough surveillance control monitoring every single transaction.
same Fascism as the last Fascism!