People have been groomed to rely more on emotion. They are trained to choose feelings over thoughts. These people 'succeed' by design because a system was devised to praise, support, and advance such people.
We've mastered supercavitation!
Last observed by the Nimitz, vehicles subsequently tracked and recorded by USN pilots.
Evil Queen ordering an execution?
Supercavitation capabilities?
Vaporizers now, and no seeds. Flower grinders work well with a Volcano.
Medicinal for sleep and PTSD highly recommended.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922596 📁
Apr 6 2018 14:39:08 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 56206a No.922559 📁
Apr 6 2018 14:37:37 (EST)
Normies don't give a crap if he is MUSLIM.
With a gun? They won't care.
The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.
Red, White, and Blue.
If it's "Spike" like we thought in 2018 it will be a horrible betrayal of our service men and women.
I went through this with veneers on the front maxillary 6.