back when men were men and women weren't
just the vid cap implies Mike Pompeo has it all, too.
when are those hillary SofS emails dropping?
upcoming on Hannity…biden's business partner drops hammer on Hunter
Devin Archer….did he take Nancy's arrows?
why didn't Myra wear this blue dress last night?
>It all makes sense now. Remember back a month ago when reports were saying that "Chinese Nationals" were fleeing to America to tell the truth about C19. They didn't just come to tell their story. They brought peace offerings too. This China/3 Server story is verified. Buckle up!
>Wait was Ice Cube on Coumo or not?
yes he was and he let Chrissy have it.
He told Cuomo that he reached out to both Biden and Trump campaigns.
Biden campaign said we will talk to you after election.
Trump campaign said come on over and let's talk, so he did.
asked if they took any of his advice.
IC said they did change their plan, but it's their plan. He said his plan was much more extensive.
He said he is not taking sides. He is not on red team or blue team, but is an Independent looking at both sides.
Then he dropped the boom. He said all blacks should be independent and not just be on one side or the other, but independent and listen to both sides.
Several times he told Cuomo that what cuomo said was very misleading about him and other stuff.
Ice Cube also said that blacks won't ever get any respect or get a real place at table until they get some money in their pockets.
Another BOOM
IC said $$$$ is the key…Blacks need to gain more wealth.
I think Q and Kaleigh may have started a new trend with clocks
buy a clock but don't use it to tell time.
Set it to a meaningful time everytime you go on zoom
then spend 5 minutes talking about what the time means.
how do you get a 2 AND 8?