Are Trump's rallies ever going to turn positive or is it too useful to do this.
Hey faggots. What I'm trying to say isโฆ at what point does Trump's act sound redundant?
Do we only not vote for corruption?
It just feels like his rallies could be stronger.
He's capable of explaining things and presenting a vision, he just does it as vague as possible. I know normies don't watch multiple or every rally. It just seems like he could have a better energy at these things.
It's like he has all the chips but plays like he's behind.
He is fully capable of being articulate though.
Similar color scheme too.
I'm not talking about his routine. I'm talking about leaning on the same stake of my opponent is corrupt again.
Having to explain why you haven't drained the swamp yet just doesn't seem like the strongest position.
It's going to work, obviously. It's justโฆ it shouldn't work for 2024 for whoever is running, that's for damn sure.