>It's… just a drawing… or something!
Did you know Naval Intelligence created TOR?
anon, there's not anyone up that high that you're going to outrun.
nothing is hidden and it ever having been was only an ilusion.
Is… this bait?
>Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Boy, this shit is all coming full circle, like some Chainlink fence…
Allow me to correct some of your framing issues, please:
The Plan isn't only about correcting tyranny/corruption at a global scale. As you've alluded to, actually fixing worldwide economic issues is also apart of The Plan.
>The satanic overlords will be regrouping, and what do we think their line of attack or infiltration will be?
They'll simply go underground again.
We have to iterate the old stories. Teach your kids about vampires and shit like your ancestors did, anon. "Accidentally" let your kids watch a horror movie about vampires and shit some day or something. It goes further than that, though. We have to be vigilant, even outside of the lighthearted jokes, though.
>I remain highly, highly suspicious of 5G, genetics manipulation, CERN, and AI.
5G to some extent is going to be necessary considering that if China gets it first and initiates it effectively very long before us, we fall behind in the cyberspace and that leaves a huge avenue for attack open. Granted, I can't disagree that we should be careful about potential health detriments.
Genetic manipulation is necessary and unavoidable. I know, I know, "muh eugenics". But, you've got to understand anon, eradicating disease is already well underway and it has been for hundreds and even thousands of years. Maybe what you mean is the overuse of genetic manipulation that could lead to obsession could be problematic.
CERN is peculiar to say the least. I'd wager few even here have a solid grasp of what exactly they do, but ultimately we should just leave it at them performing rituals to summon something the definitely shouldn't be. This is a genuine concern. However, I don't see this bullshit lasting much longer considering who is helping /ourguys/…
AI is another thing that's largely misunderstood entirely on purpose. For starters, the digital realm doesn't at all function the ways in which we've been made to believe. Its true nature is simultaneously much more helpful than most know but also much more eerie than they would likely accept without much more explanation.
>I'm assuming that the timeline we were on has been averted, but wondering if it will still converge at some point. There is still the End Times to contend with, the only question to me is when.
We entered the better timeline of the two without question and things have already converged.
The End Times are the end of [their] times, not everyone's times. This is again a pretty glaring frame issue.
A huge issue anons seem to have that prevents them from being more calm and coordinated right now is demoralization and the ways in which you're confused about frames of reference. I could give a gargantuan list of popular topics anons discuss but seem to have vivid misunderstandings about.
Oh, and it's not a purely gold standard. There will be at least one more metal, but it's likely it'll be four and there's a huge gap there that no one is willing to talk about which we could make a whole entire other board to talk about…
Oh my fuck those lyrics are so based.
>'Cause I'm just Iron Man, I'm a ghost within a shell
>We're all living the dream
are both especially explicit
I'll be here for a while. Feel free me to elaborate on anything you'd like.