Sick and Unstable Is Running For President
Sick and Unstable Is Running For President
The masks are the cover for Antifa. The trial run for this was back in 2016 when Sen. Kaine's son (of Clinton & Kaine) was arrested with a group of radicals for storming the State Capital and charged with being in a public space with facial coverings. Now they are mandated.
"temporary orders" almost always become permanent. That's life in the matrix. Got to step outside of that one first.
The Mason's were infiltrated a long time ago at the upper levels just like the Vatican and the US Government. It's called The NWO.
That's yet to be determined. We haven't even had a fair election in decades. How do you think this election is turning out so far?
Some of the drops are mis-information (intentionally) and some are not for anons. It's important for newbies to understand this fact. Just sayin'
Maybe"NO ARRESTS"is part of the riddle inside the puzzle.
Hasn't Australia already been invaded by the Chinese. The word invasion is used liberally but you get my point. There are no gun rights there so it's only a matter of time.
Would love to see Flynn immediately pardoned after the election and Sullivan arrested for Obstruction. Justice.
Only a horrific photo would result in extreme horror and immediate reaction from both Laura and Jeb in an instant. No time to decipher words and their meanings. A photo of what? Let's just say something along the lines of a day in Dallas, 1963.
The reaction is one of pure grief. A symbol would invoke anger or hostility. Why doesn't a photograph fit the definition of the actual events that unfolded? When it clearly fits exactly.
Or simply. 10-2. Read left to right. JB. No mirror involved. Stop looking at it as a clock.