>We need to start sending neck tie party invites out…
Nice. The noose that most people wear around their neck everyday and don't even know it.
>We need to start sending neck tie party invites out…
Nice. The noose that most people wear around their neck everyday and don't even know it.
Didn't Guilianni clean all of the smut out of Times Square? Who ran that shit? Anyway, in The Godfather the family moved from New York to Reno. Reno is West.
According to this chart. Bill Gates sits at the apex, the center, the keystone, the nexus. He is the virus. Thanks for this.
So, the DNC is going to scrape the scum off the side of the tub and replace it with a heavier coating of scum. These people are really dumb.
So, who did the people of NZ really vote for?
This is how Biden got all of his "views" during his Townhall interview.
The Labour Party and the Green Party are both the same thing, they are your Democrat Liberal Socialists and everyone else is to divided to do anything about it. You're fucked.
Psychopath's can never hide their mental derangement. No matter how hard they try, even for the camera's.
She's pretty.
Current news from CNN. Absolutely nothing about Joe's ties to the Chinese government. Only that Trump is 'flawed".
Michelle really looks manly in that picture.
Are we dropping the Parret story or just giving it a break?
I hope they use this opportunity to crack down on the Flat Earth Society. Man those people are annoying. One time it popped up on the auto feature and then I was flooded with Flat Earth for month's afterward.