Happy Q day!!!
How u doin bakes? Got some real RKS for you .Tanks for da bake
Happy Q day!!!
How u doin bakes? Got some real RKS for you .Tanks for da bake
Oh God best way to wake up for the day thanks Anon kek ! Love him !!
insane how perfect they have it now , instant landslide win . That dark evil kunt needs to be arrested
I miss floriderp
GOOD it needs to get ugly the American people are asleep at the wheel and IN LOVE with obama the man can do no wrong no matter what scandal he will get a pass with the people. Only Obama will be allowed in the minds of the people to spy on candidate trump. That will be "no big deal" to my liberal asscociasses
Got The Bake
she looks just as evil as Jacinder
very introdashting
necessity is the mother of invention we are told .
>>11115222 PF
>>11115246 BG Claims This is New Norm for Years to come.
>>11115151 Deltas Deltas
>>11115138 Pompeo Calls on Haiti to Hold ‘Overdue’ Legislative Elections
>>11115124 How the Kidz Doin? Ellen Chronicles
>>11115111 Pompeo Says Opening of Cypriot Ghost Town is “Provocative”, Must be Reversed
>>11115070 Clergy shortage grows to more than 14k Catholics for every priest, Vatican data shows
>>11115065, >>11115083 The Real Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome.
>>11115010, >>11115071, >>11115119 Anons are working against Global Conspiracy yet the Leading Conspiracy is the Conspiracy that Qanon is a Cult of Conspiracy Theorists? CNN Reports. While Omitting ANTIFA
>>11114980, >>11115283 Admiral Rogers | Future Proves Past | Defending Critical Infrastructure in the Private Sector
>>11114979 Jacinda's Still In PM NZ
>>11114977, >>11115035, >>11115045 Teacher beheaded in France after showing class caricatures of Muhammad.
>>11114971, >>11115011, >>11115030, >>11115052 "China's most feared man"
>>11114968 A federal appeals court revived an effort from House Democrats to enforce a subpoena for the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.
>>11114957, >>11115012, >>11115216 Cnn Reports on Qanon & Trump
>>11114945 DNC-CON
>>11114882, >>11114941 A Baker's Prayer
>>11115387 Podesta was in Beijing in October 2014 with 'special envoy for climate change' Todd Stern.
>>11115451 SAFARI CLUB
>>11115475 YouTube Updates Content Rules to Crack Down on QAnon and Other Conspiracy Theories
This baker does not remove noteables or mess with the dough. I added a note for the request as instructed .
>>11115222 PF
>>11115246 BG Claims This is New Norm for Years to come.
>>11115151 Deltas Deltas
>>11115138 Pompeo Calls on Haiti to Hold ‘Overdue’ Legislative Elections
>>11115124 How the Kidz Doin? Ellen Chronicles
>>11115111 Pompeo Says Opening of Cypriot Ghost Town is “Provocative”, Must be Reversed
>>11115070 Clergy shortage grows to more than 14k Catholics for every priest, Vatican data shows
>>11115065, >>11115083 The Real Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome.
>>11115010, >>11115071, >>11115119 Anons are working against Global Conspiracy yet the Leading Conspiracy is the Conspiracy that Qanon is a Cult of Conspiracy Theorists? CNN Reports. While Omitting ANTIFA
>>11114980, >>11115283 Admiral Rogers | Future Proves Past | Defending Critical Infrastructure in the Private Sector
>>11114979 Jacinda's Still In PM NZ
>>11114977, >>11115035, >>11115045 Teacher beheaded in France after showing class caricatures of Muhammad.
>>11114971, >>11115011, >>11115030, >>11115052 "China's most feared man"
>>11114968 A federal appeals court revived an effort from House Democrats to enforce a subpoena for the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.
>>11114957, >>11115012, >>11115216 Cnn Reports on Qanon & Trump
>>11114945 DNC-CON
>>11114882, >>11114941 A Baker's Prayer
>>11115387 Podesta was in Beijing in October 2014 with 'special envoy for climate change' Todd Stern.
>>11115451 SAFARI CLUB
>>11115475 YouTube Updates Content Rules to Crack Down on QAnon and Other Conspiracy Theories
>>11115533 Anon req note on baker noteable about ITM and Shadygroove being suspended
Ok i added it for you
>>11115222 PF
>>11115246 BG Claims This is New Norm for Years to come.
>>11115151 Deltas Deltas
>>11115138 Pompeo Calls on Haiti to Hold ‘Overdue’ Legislative Elections
>>11115124 How the Kidz Doin? Ellen Chronicles
>>11115111 Pompeo Says Opening of Cypriot Ghost Town is “Provocative”, Must be Reversed
>>11115070 Clergy shortage grows to more than 14k Catholics for every priest, Vatican data shows
>>11115065, >>11115083 The Real Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome.
>>11115010, >>11115071, >>11115119 Anons are working against Global Conspiracy yet the Leading Conspiracy is the Conspiracy that Qanon is a Cult of Conspiracy Theorists? CNN Reports. While Omitting ANTIFA
>>11114980, >>11115283 Admiral Rogers | Future Proves Past | Defending Critical Infrastructure in the Private Sector
>>11114979 Jacinda's Still In PM NZ
>>11114977, >>11115035, >>11115045 Teacher beheaded in France after showing class caricatures of Muhammad.
>>11114971, >>11115011, >>11115030, >>11115052 "China's most feared man"
>>11114968 A federal appeals court revived an effort from House Democrats to enforce a subpoena for the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.
>>11114957, >>11115012, >>11115216 Cnn Reports on Qanon & Trump
>>11114945 DNC-CON
>>11114882, >>11114941 A Baker's Prayer
>>11115387, >>11115583 Podesta was in Beijing in October 2014 with 'special envoy for climate change' Todd Stern.
>>11115451 SAFARI CLUB
>>11115475 YouTube Updates Content Rules to Crack Down on QAnon and Other Conspiracy Theories
>>11115533 Anon req note on baker noteable about ITM and Shadygroove being suspended
>>11114949 Inthematrixxx and Shady making some hard core claims on John B Wells show that anons would like to see sauce and hear more about.
>>11115624 Headline putting blame on Trump flags for ballot errors.
Are you the Shane van boening of linux ?kek