Hey Bakes!
Hey Bakes!
Michigan Court Blocks 2-Week Absentee Ballot Extension
Absentee ballots must arrive by Election Day to be counted, the Michigan Court of Appeals said Friday, blocking a 14-day extension that had been ordered by a lower court and embraced by key Democratic officials in a battleground state.
McConnell says full Senate will take up Barrett nomination on October 23
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Thursday the Senate will take up the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on October 23, with the final vote expected to occur the week of October 26, just days before the election.
Chy-na virus killed the flu
One Result
K_G_Andersen/status/1306037072914866178 - First found on Sep 17, 2020
Filename: Eh_5wCxUcAAbT2t.jpg (997 x 1200, 175.8 KB)
The link shows a diagram not a picture!!??
Found the original
Highlights Lu De and Friends – September 10,2020
gnewscanada -
2020-09-11 17:11
What is Lude Media
"Lude (Wang DingGang) is the founder of Lude Media, the main program channel. There are two additional programs under Lude Media channel: Lude Interview and Lude Times. Lude Media was created on YouTube in March 2017. The purpose of these channels is to create an independent news platform that can disseminate the truth about the CCP. Lude started broadcasting Whistle-Blower Movement which was founded by Guo WenGui in 2017, and firmly believes that Guo WenGui will be the most perfect “Grave-Digger” for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Whistleblower’s Movement has played a leading role in debunking CCP deception and spreading the truth. Exposing their BGY plan (Blue: Control of the Internet Gold: Influence through payoffs. Yellow: Assert control over key people through sex and seduction) and 3F plan (Foment weakness of America. Foment chaos in America. Foment the destruction of America). "
It's a focal point that definitely requires attention going forward.
I'm only curious how we've gotten this far when POTUS has appointed swamp creatures to very high-office in the nation? Is some group working behind the scenes that continuously arranges traps for these swamp critters?
Seems reasonable to assume, at this point (pun intended).