>>11115694 (lb)
EVIDENCE you ignorant shit stain.
DO YOU EVEN Q, boomer?
He was shot down by a missile and DIED.
Q told us.
>>11115694 (lb)
EVIDENCE you ignorant shit stain.
DO YOU EVEN Q, boomer?
He was shot down by a missile and DIED.
Q told us.
Says the anon that believes that JFKJR is alive.
How many Dinars have you purchased?
Do you have a flat earth model in your assisted living?
I'm at the bottom of this rabbit hole you feckless cunt.
The missile(s) were inert (no explosion)
One impacted the right elevator and the other dissected the right-wing which caused the aircraft to plunge into the Atlantic ocean.
The first missile impact caused the pilot to lose some control but he radioed frantically for landing assistance.
The second missile impact was catastrophic and caused complete loss of control and lift.
Now go read some SerialBrain2 decodes over on Reddit.
I've done my research, go do yours.
We need the Supreme Court you fag.
They will just appeal to SC for TREASON to avoid the Death Penalty.
Madison vs. Alabama.
You don't even Q so GTO here you disinfo op.
Making fun of my autism won't win you points here asshole, fucking cunt.
Ahhhh here we go let it come out.
Your JFKJRALIVE disinfo op unravels when Q gets involved, huh?
The only thing 12 around here is your I.Q.
Now go have the nurse change your depends because you are full of shit.
'Hey little girl is your daddy home? or did he go away and leave you all alone?
'I got a bad desire..'
Hummmm VERY good question.
Trudeau is such a pansy maybe they aren't a much of a threat and they can wait until after the election.
Maybe we 'captured' Justin w/ evidence?
But I think something so big is coming that it without Q it would have caused Merica to meltdown.
What's coming is bad. Bad bad.
Q Op is to prepare us.
We need the Supreme Court faggot retard.
I think they have 'WTF Roberts' cornered in his own shit
But I don't believe JFKJr is alive soooo how am I cabal 'brainwashed' when you are pushing 'cabal' COINTEL DISINFO designed to discredit the Patriot movement?
You think you are a creative thinker because you believe some fake 'R'?
If you believe in R you are on the wrong board.
You are attempting to influence anons to believe what Q said is fake.
You created a false argument over 'I.Q.' fetish when tests have reliably gauged certain aspects of intelligence for decades.
You do not have the intellectual capacity to deduce that R is fake.
Or to understand that Q posted so and directed anons away from this DISINFO OP.
JFKJRALIVE is an OP to discredit the movement.
You are either a willing/witting shill or an unwitting accomplice in the DISINFO op.
And maybe not smart enough to know that you're an ignorant asshole.
You are fucking 2D, Goodbye.
MK Ultra transitioned to larger programs (Delta) which included chemical food additives and TV broadcasts.
'They' do not have 100% control of 100% of the people.
"They' must capture people which still have some humanity left, goodness, kindness, and mercy.
Once unpredictable 'humanity' (ethics & morality) are taken out then they will have control which is what they are striving for a 'BORG' like mentality.
What isn't being said is that old school 'spycraft' is obsolete now. Breaking them into 1,000 pieces and scattering them to the wind is only a surprise to them because their masters know destruction is necessary to move forward with electronic surveillance which is total.
'Spies & lies' are done for but they don't know it, or see it coming. They are struggling against the same system we are to survive but they don't know its coming like a freight train for them.
They are obsolete and don't know it.
Blackmail will now be done electronically until it is no longer necessary when humanity is finally squeezed out of mankind.
Better learn quickly.
sock puppet detected
anon I hope you are right.