>>11115698 LB
Yea so far.
I the beginning when we knew it was bioweapon and China sealed off a city the size of NYC it looked really bad, but currently the death rate per county is usually 1 to 3 per day.
>>11115698 LB
Yea so far.
I the beginning when we knew it was bioweapon and China sealed off a city the size of NYC it looked really bad, but currently the death rate per county is usually 1 to 3 per day.
Well there is a virus - and it is a bioweapon. But it appears to be a pretty shitty bioweapon. It would go way up in hosp and death rates if it hits the right populations and not handled well, butโฆ
Yea it is not as bad as they are saying - but if you get it and get sick you do feel really bad and worry you could die.
please be more specific Male vs Female Sluts,โฆ.
Hey Nancy Pelosi I have an idea!!
Have you seen the way people wear masks and what they wear as masks?
N95 or just don't is my thing.
and video killed the radio star.
damn this one is savage Your mom joke.
Actually I am not so sureโฆ.
I know a lot of people that hate Trump as much as I hated Hillary..
They have stated they will vote for Biden even if he is senile because they hate Trump so much.
So the election is still way up in the air.
is the lady with the dick as big as big Mikes?
Remember when it was honest work for dudes with that big of a dick to work porn not politics?
Remember before democrats pulled their funding for riots?
They will fund them again after Trump wins.
I know I have been sold to the highest bidder and my representatives have given my freedom to those that wish to control me. I know I can do nothing as they track me and use me for ads and pushing their profit. I know they have taken over the media and I have to hunt to find anything real in news. I know I am on my own.