It doesn't matter. The elitist scum could rape a baby on live television and the MSM would call it Russian disinformation. The protected class will remain protected, sorry, just the way it is.
It doesn't matter. The elitist scum could rape a baby on live television and the MSM would call it Russian disinformation. The protected class will remain protected, sorry, just the way it is.
somewhat off topic. My ex-son in law of three years now abused, both physically and mentally, my daughter and my grand kids for ten years. Never saw combat. Upon returning state side, she finally divorced his punk ass. Two years later at a child support hearing it was learned he filed for and was granting an 80% disability rating. Guess what for? PTSD for spousal abuse. Lying sack of shit committing fraud. We've contacted the VA and know what….they don't give a rats ass. Disabled vets deserve tax payer support and our full appreciation. Disability fraudster, and they are a majority, deserve prison. Thank you for your service (unless you're a fraud, and in that case, fuck you)