thanks baker!
>>11118631 LB - Q drop 4861
>There is 'Q'. 1
>There is anons. .2
>There IS NO QAnon. 3.
I disagree. There is a QAnon. QAnon is Alex Jones. The shills. Spreading lies and trying to shape the message. This is impossible at this point.
>Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].
500+ of every 751, bread in, bread out.
QAnon is the "False Flag". The spin on the "event" or "movement". This movement is a positive gathering of the people of Earth knowing there is a better way to be responsible for yourself, your family, your community…
ThankQ for all you do!!!
btw, CNN is bashing Rudy for "spreading Russian interference and none other than Rupert Murdoch pushing it to the public." Juliette Kayyem, CNN Nat Sec Analyst, Former Assistant Secr., DHS. Do you have to wear blinders when watching these MSM channels to believe it?
<<<<<<<look who CNN is pushing as a former Qanon addict!!!
they cloned them, just like in the movies when tey put a phone next to another phone and scan all the data. What is they just go all his data he was storing/transferring. put it on a brand new device, and had a guy in an Elmo suit drop it off for repair. If the content was deemed "illegal" is he required to report it?
just guessing here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
is this place getting hacked with a spellcheck that edits words slightly!!!!!!!!????
they cloned them, just like in the movies when THEY put a phone next to another phone and scan all the data. What IF they just GOT all his data he was storing/transferring. put it on a brand new device, and had a guy in an Elmo suit drop it off for repair. If the content was deemed "illegal" is he required to report it?
just guessing here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>they cloned them, just like in the movies when tey put a phone next to another phone and scan all the data. What is they just go all his data he was storing/transferring. put it on a brand new device, and had a guy in an Elmo suit drop it off for repair. If the content was deemed "illegal" is he required to report it?
so if Foundations can use 70% of their donations and gifts towards their mission, and the expenses that it takes to run the foundation. That leaves 30% TO BE TAXED. So If the CF paid some taxes over 10 years, but are short by 2.5 Billion. Lets call the taxes they paid over the 10 years as 7.5Billion. So they owed 10 Billion in taxes over 10 years, but cooked the books to only make it look like they owed 7.5 Billion.
why is this important to estimate in simple terms???
These CFpigs owed 10 Billion. that is the taxes on the 30%. You pay taxes on your revenue AFTER expenses. Normal Fed Tax rate on revenue over 1 million is LOWBALLING 33%. so 10 Billion was the tax on 30Billion total revenue. But total revenue is just 30% of the money the whole CF took in. 70% is used for causes and running the foundation.
Over 10 years The Clinton Foundation:
Took in 100 Billion
spent 70 Billion on operation cost and charities and goodwill.
had 30 Billion in profit
owed 10 billion in tax but only paid 7.5 billion
Public is sold a crackdown is occurring, WHERE is the 2.5 billion….
what did these freaks do with the other 70 Billion???? How much did they take or borrow for friends and family???
What about every congressman worth over $50 million?
or the real rich ones.
4.5 Billion promised to the Biden's from CCP thru Hunter/VP.
bho already got 300M from netflix and 60M from the publisher.
These are public servants or fund managers? the funds are bribes and kickbacks.
smash his nuts Q
and Qanon is Alex Jones